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Under Attack S.3amazonaws.com


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This S.3amazonaws.com has been being outbound blocked. It hitting me over &  over. It added a web exclusion line to the systray icon. It will not allow me to open SUPPORT Link on the MB homepage & added a MS.DOS file. (Properties attached...background is your homepage). It erased all my scan & protection iogs before the first attack today. I tried to screenshoot the notification for the IP address but was too slow.   I ran a scan after the last outbound block and it shows there were no threats.  What is this thing? 







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This was fixed hours ago, you only need to update the definition files no need to run a scan.  Running a scan may update it depending on your settings....

6 hours ago, bdubrow said:


We've fixed this issue as of our latest database release (v2016.09.15.07) so if you update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware you should no longer see these block messages.  :)

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