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Malware Bytes quarantined several objects.


These objects were PUPs(Potentially Unwanted Programs) or PUMs(Potentially Unwanted Modifications)

I'd requested for PUPs and PUMs to be treated as Malware.

Unfortunately, my system started encountering problems when the PUPs and PUMs were quarantined.

I investigated, and found out that some of them, were system objects.

I needed to restore those PUPs/PUMs

I tried to restore them.

However, they had all been marked for deletion on reboot, and I can't restore objects marked for deletion on reboot. I get a pop up box: "Can't restore an item marked for deletion on reboot"

Some of my Windows apps(Edge,Reader,...) aren't working.

My WiFi isn't working.

What do I do.


Well, My Wifi is now working.

I will attach a log of the scans.


Later on, I disabled "Quarantine Automatically", and "treat detections of PUP/PUM as Malware", "And chose "Warn User about detections". Yet the same thing happened again. The same damn thing repeated itself. The program didn't even follow my instructions. I am a very unsatisfied user, and want to uninstall the program. But I need to get my files back from Quarantine.

Windows store isn't working.

Start Menu App isn't working.

Store Apps aren't working as well.


My computer didn't get screwed up by malware, but by your damn program. I want assistance in fixing my computer. I don't want to have to reinstall Windows.

Malware Bytes Logs.rar

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Hello and :welcome::


It looks as if you already have 2 identical topics for this same problem in the malware removal area:




@Thisisu has already replied to one of them HERE.  Please stay with your helper(s) in that other thread until you are given the "all clear".

To reduce confusion for everyone, the duplicate topic may be amicably closed by the forum mod team.

Thank you,

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