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[RESOLVED] Forum post "Edit post" notification

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At the very minimum, there should be a delay of 5 ~ 15 minutes before one's post would be marked as edited.  This allows the poster to remove grammatical and spellings errors w/o having the post marked as being "Edited".

In the past, it was an account setting option to Opt-Out as a default and a per post option to Opt-In.

This was changed to supposedly be a default that all are automatically set as Opt-In by default.

However, it has been seen recently that some users have a per post option to Opt-In.  

Now, some people can elect to Opt-Out of having their posts show there posts were edited.  Others do not have that option.



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@David H. Lipman That shouldn't be an option to hide the edit. Can you share exactly what steps were taken in order for that to show up like the screenshot shows so we can recreate the issue? Can you share example areas and users that are seeing this option?

Edited by AlexSmith
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Dank Je !


Note that I reiterate...

" At the very minimum, there should be a delay of 5 ~ 15 minutes before one's post would be marked as edited.  This allows the poster to remove grammatical and spellings errors w/o having the post marked as being "Edited". "

Edited by David H. Lipman
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@David H. Lipman  Every poster can remove grammatical and spelling errors  before hit the  Submit Reply button.   

So is there really the need to those who blind rush their posts in and found out after 10 minutes they have a typo  and want silently edit as well because they're tripping over 

the edited by  in their post.  

Be glad there is the possibility to  edit  the post  and how bad is it that it shows anyway that the post has been edited ?  



Edited by Khadijah
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1 minute ago, Khadijah said:

@David H. Lipman  Every poster can remove grammatical and spelling errors  before hit the  Submit Reply button.   

So is there really the need to those who blind rush there posts in and found out after 10 minutes they have a typo  and want silenty edit as well because they're tripping over 

the edited by  in their post.  

Be glad there is the possibility to  edit  the post  and how bad is it that it shows anyway that the post is been edited ?  

Yes.  Definitely !

No matter how well someone wants to write, it is never as good as we expect it be.  Even with the "Preview" restored and multiple edits made, there will often be mistakes.
In my Formal and Technical Writing courses I was told that you must be in First Person when you write and must be in Third Person Omnipotent when you review it.  Before you submit that Formal Writing or Technical Paper, just put it down and do something else.  Then return to it and view the document once again but this time think about your audience and reread what you wrote in its entirety.  You will find mistakes and there will be areas whose sections can be improved.  Then you can submit that Formal Writing or Technical Paper.

Thank you for providing an example...  winky1.gif                                                                                                           image1.gif




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Here's a little more detail in why we have the current "Edited" experience.

From a purely available settings standpoint we have the following primary Edit options:

  • No Editing
  • Only Allowed to Edit before a specified time occurs
  • Always Edit

From a "reports as edited" standpoint, we have the following options:

  • User Opt-in to Log as Being Edited (Silent Editing)
  • Always Log as Being Edited
  • Always Log as Being Edited with Full Edit Details

With the available options we wanted to make sure there was always transparency around a post being edited no matter who the author is and no matter how little or how much was changed. While this does prevent silent editing for spelling/grammar issues, it brings visibility to when the edit is something other than that. Since we cannot control what you specifically edit nor can we change the logging experience based on a time value, the best option was to allow members to be able to Edit but to always log the change occurred.

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  • celee changed the title to [RESOLVED] Forum post "Edit post" notification

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