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A rant about Yahoo


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@ Jacktivity

Very good point!

That's why I like having an alt email, but I can see why some people might not be comfortable with it.

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I'll bet since it's written Alternate email that it's not required, but I could be wrong. Perhaps it is required but the other info isn't.

you can sign up with out enertng any secondry e.mail addy.

its not a requriment.in fact it can create a anoyance if you do enter one.

i use any vaild zip code and the rest is made up heck aint giving them nothing.

sorta feel bad about the any zip code part but for real why do they need that,they dont imo.

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When you go to a site that gives you a drop down menu giving you a list of years of birth and it goes back to 1900 or something I am always tempted to use the contact button and tell them I was born in 1899 why am I being descriminated against :D

i was born in so many dates.too many birthdays.:)

never use my real one not on the net thats just silly entering that info.

over 18/21 no more info needed imo.

all about marketing,yahoo is one big plot to collect as much data as poss then sell it on...j/k..or is it.:)

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They do (and plan to do more) targetted advertising the same as google. Statistical data is how they (try) to track their users and figure out how to market products and services to them to turn more profits and be more successful (over google :D ). Even retailers do this crap now, ever go to Best Buy lately? They want all the info just for you to buy a CD (and I'm talking in the store, not online). It's stupid.

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when i buy euros and they ask me my name address ect,then they enter that into a comp,like great idea,hello world my house is empty.marketing is doggie at the very least.

as for the info they ask for i just tell them i dont want to "opt out" give them that.plenty do,doing just that thought gives me the creeps.like xxxx euro exchange has my name addy ect,i just gave my details off when i will be away to a total stranger just because he works someplace,let alone it being held on some comp.

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when i buy euros and they ask me my name address ect,then they enter that into a comp,like great idea,hello world my house is empty.marketing is doggie at the very least.

as for the info they ask for i just tell them i dont want to "opt out" give them that.plenty do,doing just that thought gives me the creeps.like xxxx euro exchange has my name addy ect,i just gave my details off when i will be away to a total stranger just because he works someplace,let alone it being held on some comp.


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