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Looks like I have a similar setup (Win10 x64, 32GB) to zohan6934, and the same problem. This is the second time this week I've noticed the mbam service rapidly chewing through memory. Gonna try the removal process but wanted to post as this doesn't seem to be a isolate issue. I'm on MB home premium (





cpu mem usage.PNG

mbam service.PNG

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  • Root Admin

Hello @bvi8370 and :welcome:

Yes, please try the clean removal process and reinstall. As you can see here are usage stats from my Windows 7 system. Windows 10 should be similar.





Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

Let us know




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Hi Ron,

I followed the clean removal process but the mbam service is still chewing through memory. It appears the anti-ransomware may be involved as the CPU and memory usage for the mbam service plummet when I disable the anti-ransomware protection.

before disabling the anti-ransomware:



after disabling and re-enabling anti-ransomware:







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  • Root Admin

Yes, the Anti-Ransomeware uses a different mechanism and can use a lot of resources. If you uninstall the Anti-Ransomeware and reboot the use of MBAM Anti-Malware alone should consume very little resources.

As a beta it has enabled a lot of extra debug code to help analyze the program and how it operates. Once released the resource usage should drop quite a bit.


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Hello bvi8370:

Your topic has been moved to the MBARW Beta sub-forum in hopes of getting a closer look at the issue with MBAMService.exe's growing memory use.   Please create the following zipped archives for MBARW developer team analysis:

Create a .zip archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\
Create another .zip archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\

Please attach the above zipped archives to your next reply.  Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valuable feedback.

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