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Anti-Ransomware Beta Your license failed to activate


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after the brand new update to anti-ransomware beta. i keep getting the error your license failed to activate. so i removed all files and reinstalled and boom the same error your license failed to activate so i used iobit uninstaller to wipe everything that contains anti ransomware beta then reinstalled and i am still getting the same error. i was going to anyway so i wiped my hole system and reinstalled windows 10 then the first program i reinstalled was this and i am still getting the same error.


i give up nothing more i  can do


Edited by swiftyste1
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Hello swiftyste1 and :welcome:

An entirely unimpeded two-way path must exist between the MBARW Beta application, its associated files, and below:


Please make sure that if any sort of web filter/third party firewall application in use, that you add the above as Trusted.

Only if MBARW Beta still can not function correctly, please attach the following archive files in a reply to this topic:

Create a ZIP archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\
Create another ZIP archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\

Thank you for participating in the MBARW Beta testing program and your valued feedback.

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Hello swiftyste1:
Unfortunately an undetermined action caused an important file to be truncated after February 9, 2016.

Please consider a clean re-install of MBARW Beta:

1. Close all open Windows applications followed by a conventional Windows based uninstall of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.
2. If MBARW Beta was uninstalled successfully, the following directories will have been deleted from a typical Windows 64-bit system:

C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\


3. If any of the above directories remain, please delete them manually. If necessary, any remaining/uninstalled directory may be deleted in the Windows Safe mode.
4. Execute a conventional Windows restart to the Normal Windows boot mode and log-in through an Administrator's account. <===IMPORTANT!
5. Using an Administrator's account only, download a fresh MBARW_Setup.exe file and save to the Administrator's Desktop from the MBARW Introduction topic.
6. Right-click the MBARW_Setup.exe file and left-click RunAsAdmin.jpgRun as administrator from the context menu.
7. Upon a successful installation, please restart the computer in a conventional manner to the Windows Normal boot mode.

Please reply to your topic with the status of your reported issue.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valued feedback.

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thanks for your reply. i have fully uninstalled the program and made sure no folders about anti ransomware beta are on the system. only folders are for malwarebytes anti malware i reinstalled it back but still my license failed to activate



since uninstalling wiping all the anti ransomware files i have made a brand new zips to help me try resolve the issue 


Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip

Edited by swiftyste1
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This is caused by not being able to reach our servers. Please consider temporarily disabling any 3rd party security applications (AVs, FireWalls, etc.), installing MBARW again, and then enabling them again after. You can also try to do this in SafeMode with Networking.

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i have turned off windows firewall and i have disabled avg and malwarebytes anti malware. uninstalled ransomware restarted my pc made sure they are all still disabled and reinstalled ransomware but i am still having the same issue. this is not just happening on one pc itshappening to my second pc aswel

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2 hours ago, wmw_lev said:

Hello! My problem: Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware is not activated.

"attach the following archive files in a reply to this topic:" - see.

Thank you. Best regard/




thanks for your reply. this is a strange one normally everything is fixed after wiping everything of the pc and starting again but not this. sure here is the zip files you asked for



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Hello @wmw_levand :welcome:

It is disappointing to read your testing system is having MBARW Beta issues but each computer is unique. Problems that seem "the same" frequently are not.

The same is true for solutions. Solutions may often need to be individualized for your unique testing system.

It is less confusing for everyone if a "One Member Per Topic" policy is adhered to instead of posting to the topic of another member.

Development Team Members, Staffers and helpers will be able to more easily provide both you, and the OP/Topic Starter, with individualized assistance.

Please start a NEW, and SEPARATE topic by left-clicking this >>Start New Topic<< link now.

Thank you always for your patience and understanding.

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Hello swiftyste1:

Your computer's system does not necessarily have a malware problem, but the Malware Removal Experts are best to take actions that are not permitted in the MBARW subforum. The issue you should report is that "your system is unable to connect to *.mwbsys.com

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also attach (not copy/paste) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic. Please do not tick, nor untick, any pre-configured FRST categories.

Thank you.

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I've done all the things suggested above, and still can't get the proggy to activate. Very dissapointed.

Similarly my Maywarebytes program is out of date, it used to install updates, now it says I don't have administration rights, When in fact I have. I am loosing confidence in Malwarebytes, and I need to get that confidence back.

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Hello giantweenerdog and :welcome:

Can you relate, in a separate and new topic, exactly what your system's issues are? We are here to help you.

Thank you always for your interest in the beta testing program for MBARW.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/15/2016 at 4:38 AM, swiftyste1 said:

after the brand new update to anti-ransomware beta. i keep getting the error your license failed to activate. so i removed all files and reinstalled and boom the same error your license failed to activate so i used iobit uninstaller to wipe everything that contains anti ransomware beta then reinstalled and i am still getting the same error. i was going to anyway so i wiped my hole system and reinstalled windows 10 then the first program i reinstalled was this and i am still getting the same error.


i give up nothing more i  can do

Screenshot (1).png

To activate your anti-ransomware make sure that you are using open IP, it means without proxy settings enabled.

Check your router settings as well. :)

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29 minutes ago, jdreyes24 said:

To activate your anti-ransomware make sure that you are using open IP, it means without proxy settings enabled.

Check your router settings as well. :)


29 minutes ago, jdreyes24 said:

To activate your anti-ransomware make sure that you are using open IP, it means without proxy settings enabled.

Check your router settings as well. :)

It's all fixed up now been sorted almost a week 

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