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Trusteer Rapport retires support for Win XP (SP3)


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Details can be checked in http://www.trusteer.com/support/end-of-support-for-windows-xp ..



End of Support for Windows XP

Microsoft's support for Windows XP ended on April 8, 2014. To allow for the gradual transition to new operating systems, IBM Security Trusteer Rapport provided extended support for Windows XP operating systems beyond Microsoft's support end date. This extended support period ended on January 12, 2016.

What will happen if I continue to use Windows XP?

  • Trusteer Rapport will continue to run on your system, however, you will not receive new versions and updates which normally include additional security features and support for new browser versions.
  • Microsoft no longer releases security updates to the Windows XP operating system - This can leave you at risk of security breaches which may also limit Rapport's ability to provide you with the desired level of protection. 
  • Please note: Technical support for issues relating to Windows XP will not be provided.
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Two years ago it was recommanded by my banque so I installed it 

what hell I removed it asap all things slowed down my browser was disturbed and I couldn't open my forums I used to visit

And it cost me a lot of effort to get rid of the rubbish program and I phoned my banque had a big argue with them next time

they want to misled people just stay with in their buissiness and not step out they do already a great job on the financial market 

misled people so hands of my computer system please. 


So I don't like the program at all, ik brought me nothing but a headage 

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Fine.. I've been using it for quite a while and very comfortable with it.. Certainly, XP users will feel the pinch of support retirement..


Though, I also have other options on hand and in addition, the fact of my shifting between Windows & Non-Windows use, off-late..

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