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What to remove


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I apologize if this has been answered but I'm still trying to figure out the way to use this forum.


My latest scan this afternoon shows a list like this and I do not know what to remove. Do I go ahead and "Remove Selected" or what?


Thank you for any help with this a I am very worried.




Here's the list.





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Sorry, here's the list in WORD


File      C:\Users\Bud\AppData\Local\MalwareProtectionClient\.exe.config


Folder C:\Users\Bud\AppData\Local\MalwareProtection\Live


File      C:\Users\Bud\AppData\Local\MalwareProtection\DotNetCheck.exe


File      C:\Users\Bud\AppData\Local\MalwareProtection\DotNetCheck.exe.config


File      C:\Users\Bud\AppData\Local\MalwareProtection\Live\uninstall.exe


Registry Key  C:\Users\Bud\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Malware Protection Live.link


Thank you

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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help. :)

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