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Questions about MBAM desktop icon

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I have used Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro on my Windows 7 Pro 64-bit computer for many years.  In the past, I have always been able to change the name of the desktop icon from Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to MBAM.  With the most recent program update, I am no longer able to do that.  I'm told I need Administrative permission to do this, but I am the administrator.  In the past, I simply clicked on Continue and all was well.  Now, that's not enough, and nothing seems to be enough, not even right-clicking and selecting Run as Administrator.  I don't understand why I can no longer either rename or remove the icon.  I might note that I now have TWO icons on my desktop--the old one, which I had renamed to MBAM, and the new one.  I don't want two, since they're identical except for the longwinded name.  But when I try to get rid of the longwinded one, I can't. 


So my questions are 1) why can I no longer rename the icon to something that takes up only one line on my desktop?  and 2) why can I no longer remove the newer, longer-named icon?  I should add that scans reveal no problems.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello and Welcome Back :)

Its all in the manual (links below)....

But to answer your question quickly, the issue for both your problems is you must have the Self-protection module enabled, simply disable that and you will be able to do what you want.

NOTE: More info about v2.2.0 HERE; User Guide ONLINE; User Guide PDF; FAQ: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions Thank You,


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Thanks very much, KenW and Firefox, for your prompt responses.  I did have the self-protection module checked, but unchecking it doesn't seem to have enabled me to delete the icon.  The FAQ said I should uncheck the option and then close the program.  I think I did that (I'm assuming that right-clicking and selecting Exit closes the program), but I'm still being told that I need administrative permission, and when I click on Continue, it keeps insisting that I need permission from administrators to make changes to the file.  I click on Try again, but that does not help.  ???

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