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have a question

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Does malwarebytes support respond there support ticket on your spam section of your email? here the email looks like in the spam section of my email. if its legit then np but please help me with this question.



NCStafford has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Your unfortunate ongoing issue".

NCStafford said:
Hello Tony08,

I am with the Quality Assurance dept here in Malwarebytes and am aware of this ongoing issue that you have unfortunately endured for a long time now.

So I would like to try to help you however I can. I would like to get up to speed and know some information:

1) Version of MBAM currently running.
2) Version of Killer Network drivers currently running with.
3) Any other Anti-virus or security programs running concurrently with our product.


You can reply to this personal conversation by following the link below:


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Hello Tony08:


Noah (@NCStafford) is a bonafied staff employee of Malwarebytes Corporation: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/user/139248-ncstafford/


Noah did not deliberately cause the email he sent to you to be placed in your Spam folder. This was due to a logic decision within the email client software on the computer you use..


Simply left-click on the URL at the bottom of the email, and respond with the information he requested.


Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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