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Malwarebytes open when PC starts

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In the scheduler, do you have a task for "update on reboot"?
If so, you might want to try removing that task and configuring scheduled update checks for hourly, with a recurrence of 1 hour, and no "recover if missed by" setting.
If that doesn't resolve or explain your issue, then you might want to try this:

Please let us know how it goes.


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Must be a bug, have that too since latest version, I changed nothing and had also the check update on start. After removing the task it's ok, so something has changed in newest version. If it's an option it should work like before without opening up the MBAM screen on startup.

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I can also confirm this bug is present in the latest build of malwarebytes, Malwarebytes opens up when the update schedule is triggered on boot, I've noticed other applications also having the same effect (Adobe Creative Cloud). I'm wondering if it's a new API implimented on MBAM and CC or a windows update that has broken the task scheduler's old tasks.

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Must be a bug, have that too since latest version, I changed nothing and had also the check update on start. After removing the task it's ok, so something has changed in newest version. If it's an option it should work like before without opening up the MBAM screen on startup.


Yes, the QA team is aware.


Having said that, asking MBAM (or any program) to update on system reboot can be tricky.

Networking may not yet be fully established and the system will be busy with other tasks.

It could create a "race" situation or this sort of glitch.


Even if one has hourly update checks scheduled, one can always perform a manual update check as soon as the system has booted and after it has settled down, if one doesn't want to wait the ~1 hour for the next scheduled check.

I realize that doing so is a bit more "hands on" than some users want to be.

But it will reduce the frequency of the behavior you report, until this is changed with a future program version.


Thanks for reporting,

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I realize that doing so is a bit more "hands on" than some users want to be.



I liked the automated check on boot so you start with the newest definitions without having to do something and it worked that way for years, that's kinda back-engineering a good functionality   ;)

So I sure hope we can enable this option back in the next release...

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Understood and all valid points.


AFAIK, you *can* enable it if you wish.

You might just expect to see that it will open minimized to the taskbar, as well as the system tray, until it has completed the update check.


For some folks there has been an application crash during this process, for others not.


But again, AFAIK, this is known behavior.


Beyond that, we'll need to wait for a member of the product team to weigh in.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi, @Ping:
A proper, clean reinstall and rebooting seems to resolve this issue for most folks who report it.
To get to a known, clean starting point for troubleshooting, we suggest the following.

If you're sure you followed the "best practices" for the clean reinstall, then you may wish to skip to step #2 below:

Please let us know how it goes.


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Is there new evidence? The problem exists -after clean install- under Windows 10.

On two computers, on a clean install of windows 10 with nothing else on the computer I did a clean install of Malwarebytes and the problem exists on both computers.  There was another thread going about this, but they locked it.  There is a bug plain and simple.  It extends beyond update on reboot because the only tasks I had scheduled were the ones that were as they were installed which is check hourly.  Multiple users have reported this in the last few days. 

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It's no use. The registry, I can pray almost by heart. Also the rest of my system. I think, the programmer should go on troubleshooting. Keywords: Windows Fast-Boot.



Hi, @Ping:



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As the original topic poster has not returned I'm going to close this topic now. If you're having issues please start your own new topic and someone will assist you. Hijacking another users topic is not the proper way to get assistance. Having your own topic is the proper way to obtain help with issues.


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