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I am apart of a community that deals with black hats, and overall users who love to spread malware. I also know many Crypter owners who sell very popular Crypters that make any easily detected file, undetected.


So, seeing that since this can help someone, I posted it here. Go ahead and ask any question about popular methods of how people spread their malware, crypters, viruses, etc.

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but this type of conversation is not really allowed as one needs to be a recognized Expert to provide such information. If you really wish to discuss such items you may wish to visit the WildersSecurity forum where there a a lot of this type of discussions.


Thank you

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I'm sorry but this type of conversation is not really allowed as one needs to be a recognized Expert to provide such information. If you really wish to discuss such items you may wish to visit the WildersSecurity forum where there a a lot of this type of discussions.


Thank you

I am a expert in this field. As a matter of fact I am so expert that I have private methods on bypassing any AV security I want to. You are basically tying to say that anyone knew to this forum doesn't know any thing regarding malicious topics and you have to go through training just to be considered knowledgeable, that's not how it works.

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That is NOT what Ron stated.
You are an unvetted entity and thus don't have the privileges and responsibilities, of this "corporate product support" Forum, that is endowed to "Trusted Advisors", "Experts" and "Moderators". 
Copping an attitude doesn't help.

General PC Help

Post your Windows, Hardware, Networking, and Software questions here. Questions regarding malware should be posted in Malware Removal Help.

Malware Removal Help ---> Groups authorized to help with malware removal logs

Groups authorized to help with HJT logs

These are the groups who are allowed to post advice in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs Forum:

  • Administrators - in charge of running the site and handling maintenance and all of the day-to-day operations.
    They can be contacted at any time by PM with issues regarding the site or Malwarebytes'.
  • Moderators - moderates and helps the Administrators with running the site.
    They also make sure the Forum rules are followed and respond to HJT Logs.
  • Experts - experts in removing Malware and fighting the bad guys.
    They take on the HJT Logs in the HJT Log Forum as well, and some of them are programmers who make tools used to remove Malware.
  • Trusted Advisor - those who are trained in Malware removal in the Anti-Malware community and can be trusted to provide you with safe removal of Malware.
If you are not in one of these groups, you are prohibited from posting Malware advice of any kind on the Forum, any such unauthorized posts will be deleted without response to the poster.





Finally ----->   Terms of Use ·


Thank you in advance for your understanding and for your cooperation

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