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Cannot remove MalwareBytes to re-install

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I am working on a PC that had MalwareBytes free edition installed, but the computer has a virus or malware on it and I can no longer run MalwareBytes.  I tried to uninstall it using control panel as well as the MalwareBytes uninstall option in the programs menu and keep getting the same error:


Messages file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\unins000.msg" is missing.  Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program.


I have downloaded the latest new version of MalwareBytes free edition from the MalwareBytes.org website, but it will not install stating that the old one needs to be uninstalled first. 


In looking at 2 other PC's running MalwareBytes that have no issues, there is no unins000.msg file that I could even copy to try and use.


Please let me know if there is a manual way to uninstall MalwareBytes so I can reinstall and try to run scans.





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To add more to the post, even though I cannot remove the originally installed MalwareBytes, I have downloaded the latest install and ran it.  I get past the screen to accept the license agreement, but get an error:


Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.x is currently installed and could not be uninstalled properly.  Please uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.x manually, reboot, and then try the installation again.


So....how to I manually uninstall the software?

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Thanks for the feedback.  I tried to run mbam-clean.exe on the system and it crashed and wouldn't run.  I decided to try and install Advanced Uninstaller and had to use for force removal option to remove it.  After forced removal and reboot, I was then able to install the main .exe download and was able to update and run a scan.

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