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Thanks for the crash dump -- I have alerted the QA team about it.


BSOD are usually caused by hardware problems, driver issues, or certain types of severe infection (rootkits).


Could you please provide a bit more data about the system by posting back the 3 logs requested in this pinned topic: Diagnostic Logs?

Also: is your drive encrypted with TrueCrypt or another method?

If it is, does disabling anti-rootkit scanning resolve the BSOD issue?



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  • Root Admin

My guess is that your RAM Disk is probably causing the crash with MBAM



Please uninstall or fully disable the following software and try the scan again.
SoftPerfect RAM Disk

You really don't need this software and is pretty much Snake Oil.
Easy Speed PC

For the most part Windows 7 and 8 do not need 3rd party tools to do most maintenance.
TuneUp Utilities 2013

Please also read the following article
Do I need a Windows Registry Cleaner?

Please read the following article cocerning the use of MSCONFIG
Msconfig Is Not A Startup Manager

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Siketa.
That's very good news. Thank you for the feedback.

The program will notify you when the released version is available.
Start the program. Click Settings icon on the very top bar.
Click the button marked Update settings on the left.
Look at the white area marked Update Options
Be sure that the line is selected with a check-mark for
Check for program updates when checking for database updates.

Thanks for choosing Malwarebytes. bravo.gif

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