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Ever considered partnership?

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I hate to even think about being borged by Symantec who borged Norton or McAfee who borged SiteAdvisor and look what a mess they made of those applications but the people that wrote them while not as rich as Bill Gates are probably doing fairly well.

My hero is Bill Pytlovany of WinPatrol fame who was made an offer from Ask.com that they thought he could not refuse:

No, I Don't Want Your #^$% Toolbar


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I believe Malwarebytes' was made a similar offer by Ask.com and refused it :( . I also think that a big name AV would mess mbam up, one of the reasons mbam is as good as it is is because they aren't as prone to give in when the makers of rogue apps threaten them with lawsuits and such when targetted by their scanners as the big names are. That's a big reason tools like mbam need to remain as they are and not get integrated into a "suite" or get swallowed up by a larger corporation.

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I believe Malwarebytes' was made a similar offer by Ask.com and refused it :P . I also think that a big name AV would mess mbam up, one of the reasons mbam is as good as it is is because they aren't as prone to give in when the makers of rogue apps threaten them with lawsuits and such when targetted by their scanners as the big names are. That's a big reason tools like mbam need to remain as they are and not get integrated into a "suite" or get swallowed up by a larger corporation.


the ask toolbar imo should be re-named ass.toolbar or we have the power,the money to do want with your details.

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Guest victimized

Seriously, I would find computer companies to put in other 60 day trials, other than norton and kaspersky (sky kasper) in the box with the new pc. I would just like it for them to have the best detection, which avira holds.

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