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Enterprise updates?

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Enterprise Edition has been renamed to Management Console, and is currently on version 1.4.  The Anti-Malware client has not changed yet, but Anti-Exploit has been added, as well as various changes to the Console user interface.  Version 1.5 is in the oven now, but not done baking yet.  The word "legacy" is somewhat confusing, because it is not considered old yet.  Both 1.3 and 1.4 are considered current versions, and 1.4 was made available primarily to customers who wanted to use Anti-Exploit protection.  That was not rolled into 1.3, but is part of 1.4.  Yeah, its a bit confusing.

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There needs to be some discussion and policy decisions before I can give a good answer, but that will not happen until next week at the earliest.  Initially, I was told that unless you wanted to purchase Anti-Exploit (the primary purpose behind Management Console 1.4), there would only be minor changes.  If Anti-Exploit is a goal of yours, let me know.  Otherwise, we need to have more internal discussions first.

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