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Question about the new UI for Malwarebytes.


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Just curious what you guys think of the new UI if you're using the premium version. Personally I don't really like it looks wise very much,


It made me panic a little bit because it looked so different than what it used to (AHH! I JUST UPDATED BUT WHAT IS THIS?) As such, I don't particularly like the way it looks. Kind of clunky looking and made me a little nervous,


Maybe it's just me but I prefer an AV program to just have a more plain design.Without the bells and whistles (I kind of like Spybot S&D's design. Just the basics with fun info on the type of detection found.) Just wondering what other people think of it. Personally I wish they'd have a simple layout design option for people that don't like the bells and whistles, but that's just me.


P.S Hi.~ I just joined today. Nice to meet you all


Here's what it looks like, in case it looks different in the basic version...



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Hello and welcome, LorenaFA:
Yes, the new design and UI/UX do take some getting used to.
Many of us old-timers were not big fans initially.
It's not bad, once you learn your way around.

Under the hood, MBAM 2.0 is a much stronger product.

For the record: you refer to MBAM as an "AV program" (anti-virus).  MBAM is not an AV and is not a substitute for one: Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software? ;)


ALSO: These links contain lots of information you might find helpful:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF

And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page



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Hello and welcome, LorenaFA:


Yes, the new design and UI/UX does take some getting used to.

Many of us old-timers were not big fans initially.

It's not bad, once you learn your way around.

Under the hood, MBAM 2.0 is a much stronger product.

For the record: you refer to MBAM as an "AV program" (anti-virus).  MBAM is not an AV and is not a substitute for one: Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software? ;)


ALSO: These links contain lots of information you might find helpful:

There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF




OOPS. Lol, I wrote that kinda quickly. I know it's not an AV, but yay getting opinions on it. XD... I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.

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Hello LorenaFA and welcome.


The new Dashboard is a quick way for folks to have a quick summary about the status at that moment.   There are many many dozens of folks who ask "Am I protected ?"   This Dashboard provides the means and common spot for those countless ( unseen here on the forum, perhaps) of inquirers.


Know also, that most of us do not "sit" on that screen all the time.  We are either using other modules ( functions) of the program, but normally we just set the program like we like, we set the scheduled tasks, and the program is 99.9% of the time out of view.


And as DD has mentioned, the new detection engine underneath it all is the best feature and best reason to have Version 2.

MBAM 2.0’s detection and removal engine are significantly improved under the hood.

Edited by Maurice Naggar
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Hello LorenaFA and welcome.


The new Dashboard is a quick way for folks to have a quick summary about the status at that moment.   There are many many dozens of folks who ask "Am I protected ?"   This Dashboard provides the means and common spot for those countless ( unseen here on the forum, perhaps) of inquirers.


Know also, that most of us do not "sit" on that screen all the time.  We are either using other modules ( functions) of the program, but normally we just set the program like we like, we set the scheduled tasks, and the program is 99.9% of the time out of view.


And as DD has mentioned, the new detection engine underneath it all is the best feature and best reason to have Version 2.

MBAM 2.0’s detection and removal engine are significantly improved under the hood.


Thanks for this, maurice.


I've been trying to lead a campaign to get folks to understand that this is a result of the lowest common denominator, and have explained how things like the settings in the new version are much more consolidated than in the old 1.75, b/c of the way features were added to the old version, and such, and how the color coordination makes it a lot easier to see status at a glance, and how the mention of the  blog and other MB software at the bottom I cannot say is advertising, and finally, how I don't stare at the dashboard for hours upon hours at a time, but it is nice to hear some of my ideas validated by you.

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True, all true. :D
The cosmetics do need some work (e.g. huge banner ads are easy to find, the "Update Now" link -- not so much).
And we do need to get and get back some important 1.75 features that were dropped.
However, it's what's under the hood that matters.
As it has been explained to me by @Miekiemoes and @AdvancedSetup and others:

The reasons to use the newer version are that it has built-in rootkit scanning (1.75 does not); it has a new text parsing engine to address special threats targeted by using configuration files (1.75 does not); and it has built-in Self Protection (1.75 does not). It can also detect and remove some threats that 1.75 cannot because it offers native 64-bit support for 64-bit systems (1.75 does not).


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Just curious what you guys think of the new UI if you're using the premium version. Personally I don't really like it looks wise very much,


It made me panic a little bit because it looked so different than what it used to (AHH! I JUST UPDATED BUT WHAT IS THIS?) As such, I don't particularly like the way it looks. Kind of clunky looking and made me a little nervous,


Maybe it's just me but I prefer an AV program to just have a more plain design.Without the bells and whistles (I kind of like Spybot S&D's design. Just the basics with fun info on the type of detection found.) Just wondering what other people think of it. Personally I wish they'd have a simple layout design option for people that don't like the bells and whistles, but that's just me.


P.S Hi.~ I just joined today. Nice to meet you all


Here's what it looks like, in case it looks different in the basic version...




I'm in agreement with you.  I dislike the newest GUI and the how huge the notification are. 


Thanks daledoc1 for setting me straight on the correct thread.

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Hi, again, Sinster:


Looks as if you have already posted here and here with this feedback? ;)


I am just a home user like you and I cannot speak for the staff.

However, I am confident they are taking into account all feedback from users.

(There's no need, however, to create multiple cross-posts for the same subject.)


TBH As an old geezer, I wasn't very sanguine about it initially, either.

But if you give the new UI/UX a chance, you'll find that many of the changes are quite handy.

And the staff/experts who replied in this topic explain why the changes "under the hood" are more important.


Thank you very much for your input,


P.S. And "you're welcome", too! :D

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Hi, again, Sinster:


Looks as if you have already posted here and here with this feedback? ;)


I am just a home user like you and I cannot speak for the staff.

However, I am confident they are taking into account all feedback from users.

(There's no need, however, to create multiple cross-posts for the same subject.)


TBH As an old geezer, I wasn't very sanguine about it initially, either.

But if you give the new UI/UX a chance, you'll find that many of the changes are quite handy.

And the staff/experts who replied in this topic explain why the changes "under the hood" are more important.


Thank you very much for your input,


P.S. And "you're welcome", too! :D


I hate posting the same thing multiple times... I realized I posted in the wrong thread and you replied.  I thought I posted in the correct section (wrong again).  Then I just followed your link you posted in my orginal thread this is how I ended  up here.  


I understand it's UI is useful for others, but not for me. I'm all for changes and I just feel the current UI isn't what I would like to have. If I didn't mind changes I wouldn't be running Windows 8.1.. ;)  


I would like to see an option to go back to classic view.  I liked my notifcations before, but now I can't stand them I came very close to hitting uninstall.  I dislike programs on my taskbar that are a nucience and the notifcation is a nucience.


I know I just one customer in a vast many, but all it take is one.  Bad new/review travels faster than good news/ reviews.  I also understand that you can't cater to a few select, but I feel it's more than a few select.


You keep fluffing up the UI the resources is going have to come from somewhere and then what's under the hood starts to take the hit.

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Hi, sinster:


If I understand you correctly, it seems that you dislike the frequent NOTIFICATIONS from the system tray?


Unfortunately, in 2.0 control of notifications is pretty much "all or none" at this time.

The devs have promised that more granular control of notifications and popups (similar to version 1.x) will be restored in a later version.


Having said that, I have been running 2.0 on 3 of my rigs for quite a while and I have not gotten a single popup.

With the new "silent" scheduled scans, and dropping of scheduled flash scans after a database update, MBAM 2.0 purrs silently in the background (like my AV), as it was intended.

Notifications are generated for a reason.

So, if you are seeing many of them, then it would suggest that the program is "trying to tell you something"?

The User Guide under "Notification Window Examples" includes illustrations of many examples, as well as their significance.


If you need help with any specific problem, please feel free to start a new topic in the support section >>here<<, and someone will help you.


Thank you,

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I wanted to delete my other post, but can't do so or even edit.


I've been on these forums since 2009.  I've been happy with the program..  Most of my post are because of the UI change albiet same subject just different threads.


No, only the mod team can delete posts.

As for editing, because of prior abuse by other users, the minimum limit to be able to edit had to be increased some time ago.


But don't sweat it -- it's not a big deal. :)



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