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MEE forces install of IIS 7.5 and SQL Express?

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I installed the trial version of MEE and it forced the install of SQL Server Express and IIS 7.5 Express on the Server 2012 server, even though I already had IIS installed and wanted to use a separate SQL server.  Does the purchased version also force those installs?  I sure hope not.

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The purchased version and the trial version behave in the same manner with regard to both IIS and SQL Express.  In the NEW VERSION (coming soon), you will be able to skip installation of SQL Express when you specifically choose to use an external database.  There will be no change in behavior of IIS installation.

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  • 2 months later...

It would be good to leverage the standard IIS 7.5+  installation.


The required Installation of IIS 7.5 Express on Windows 2008 R2 just seems so wrong, and is not complimentary to the value of this *Enterprise* product.

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It would be good to leverage the standard IIS 7.5+  installation.


The required Installation of IIS 7.5 Express on Windows 2008 R2 just seems so wrong, and is not complimentary to the value of this *Enterprise* product.


I agree. This is one of the things that make the "business" product appear unprofessional. 

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  • 2 months later...

It would be good to leverage the standard IIS 7.5+  installation.


The required Installation of IIS 7.5 Express on Windows 2008 R2 just seems so wrong, and is not complimentary to the value of this *Enterprise* product.


Agreed. I thought something was wrong with the install. This is just lazy and ignorant coding.

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  • 5 months later...
  • Staff

Hello Send2brian,


Unfortunately the IIS 7.5 express is still a requirement for the product and will be used on any new installation. I am not sure of any changes that may be coming to that portion of the install and use of the product, but I can submit that you are looking for this as a feature request/suggestion to our PM.


If you have questions about this, let me know. 


Thank you,


Ron S

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I'm a brand new customer and was just getting ready to install our manager and found myself searching for an answer to this very same question.  The server I have already has IIS 7 installed and would like to be able to skip this step.  It doesn't sound like it it will be an option very soon - but I agree with the others.  Being able to skip this part of the install and use the IIS instance we have already would be great!

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Send2brian,


Unfortunately the IIS 7.5 express is still a requirement for the product and will be used on any new installation. I am not sure of any changes that may be coming to that portion of the install and use of the product, but I can submit that you are looking for this as a feature request/suggestion to our PM.


If you have questions about this, let me know. 


Thank you,


Ron S


Hi there,


Is this still the case? Can I use IIS full yet ?


What version number is expected to work with IIS full ?


Thank you,



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  • 1 year later...
On 3/10/2017 at 9:23 PM, mscpmike said:

Soooo.... Will there ever be the option to use full IIS?

No, MBMC will continue to use IIS Express as a requirement for the console's reporting functions and the internal website which the clients use to check-in. After MBMC goes EoL near the end of the year, the product replacing it will no longer need IIS Express.

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  • 8 months later...
2 hours ago, kschenfelt said:

Our server has "a newer version installed" so I told the installer that IIS 7.5 Express was already installed and it installed...  Any known issues by doing that?  I'll let you know if I get any.

Yes, you will have issues. Your reporting will not function correctly. 7.5 Express is a prerequisite, other versions are not supported. Server 2012 and 2016 have other Express versions in place as default, these must be removed or you will need to choose a different server.

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To be fair, that's not our software, it isn't up to us to patch Microsoft's products. 

We use it for internal communication only and have our own MITM protection for the managed client application communicating with the console server, to their check-in address, https://[server IP or FQDN]:18457/SCClientService/, and your console's connection to the SQL for the reporting.

Roaming and remote access is not supported and we do not recommend you let the console server be externally/publicly accessible in such a way, as obviously, IIS 7.5 Express has its flaws. It would be up to you and your skills as an admin to route your traffic in way that mitigates having the console server externally accessible, if you so choose to do that.

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LOL. To be fair, they DID patch their product and you didn't allow the patch.

Overall it works, and our situation allows us to make the adjustments\workarounds needed by your software without adding risks.  You may want to update this sometime as it may reduce your overall score in someone's test results.

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A whole program revision is not an iterative patch, and if IIS 7.5 Express worries you, just wait until you get to the part about reopening Netbios and the .Net 3.5 requirements. If you want off this older tech and the 7.5 Express requirement, we have a SaaS product - https://www.malwarebytes.com/pdf/datasheets/MBEPDatasheet.pdf

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