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Quite suddenly I have been getting alerts that MWBs has blocked Agile.vpn from accessing a site known as 'cashclicks'. I am told that Agile.vpn is a microsoft product & part of the operating system for W7.

Is this program safe?

Why is trying to access websites without my knowledge?

Do I need to keep it or can I stop it starting?

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Really sorry but I am a little concerned that I am being asked to download yet another program for my computer when the question is relatively simple. Is this really necessary and how much personal information is gathered. The .exe concerned is a Microsoft system program listed under RAS Mini Port.


I hope you will understand my caution

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We can not determine what is going on with your system if we are not sitting in front of it, you would have to provide logs for further review. The program in question does not gather any personal information per say, it just give enough info for us to be able to analyze and see what's going on. I will give us errors going on with the system and a list of software installed.

Up to you... also if you don't want to post the logs here, you can contact support directly and they can help you without posting logs here. Contact Consumer support HERE

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