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Hash Brownies / Cookies were actually a delight (DD1 + 2 years ;) ) .......

You could slowly chew them, and then swallow the mild tasting soft biscuits.


About 1 hour later, after the world slowed down, you did get a form of the Munchies (and then ordered a pizza)


If you ever watch The Big Bang Theory, there is an episode devoted to this subject, where Howard finds some "Hippy Type moms" in a Combi Van who offer him the cookies.


Seems like Mr Charlie knows also - Those were the days, I missed the draft call-up by 2 days over here.

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My draft # was 292 and you don't want to smoke anything period ! The product back then would have been mixed with who knows what, very "weak" and contaminated. The Cannabis today that you would get from a licensed facility is pure and very high in THC. In a hospital setting you would vaporize it to get the benefits. The other component is CBD which is very helpful for children who suffer from life-threatening epilepsy and seizures plus a variety of other conditions.

Yes I watch all the documentaries on the subject.

Good article and please watch the video:



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Dang, that was a LOW number. :(
As luck would have it,  Scientists Get Mice High To Explain Why We Get The Munchies
Here are the other links from the HuffPo article:


All kidding aside, the research is of course quite important to better our understanding of the beneficial effects of medical marijuana for patients with many debilitating conditions.

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Well, at this point, whether or not the original was a hoax (as the lousy job with photoshop suggests), there are likely now any number of actual, savvy "copycats"?


The GSA seem to have publicly disavowed any knowledge or endorsement of the practice.

(Secretly, though, they're probably applauding the clever marketing strategy and the $$$$?)


In any event, strong work, ladies! :lol:

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