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Curiousity question


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Has anyone heard anything about a program called Advanced Systemcare? A friend of mine is having issues & one of her friends told her to use the free version of it. Her wireless settings got all screwed up & she had problems getting Windows to start correctly. Has to restore settings. She thinks it's a windows update problem.


Just really wondering if Systemcare program is like the  MyCleanPC scam?

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  • Root Admin

Yes, it is from the iObit software company out of China.  Funny thing is they've gone out of their way to try to completely hide the fact that they're from China for some unknown reason.  When they first showed on the scene years ago they didn't try to hide it but now they do.


The company behind this product was found to be stealing our database.
Personally I would not trust installing any software from a company that resorts to stealing someone's technology to sell their product.
Please see the following links and make up your own mind if you want to keep this on your system.


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in addition ...

a few days ago i removed  *advanced system care* from a friend's laptop .

after asking him the "twenty questions" , i found out that it was after he installed it that things really went downhill .

uuuggghhh .


in my opinion most of these types of programs are circular bit-bin fodder .

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