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Vista will not boot. File ntkrnlpa.exe Windows cannot verify signature


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Hello fine folks at malwarebytes. I have a laptop that refuses to boot. It is running Vista and the message I get is:


Windows cannot verify the digital signature of this file

When booting to F8 startup options and choosing skip driver verification, I get a message that states Windows cannot start because the NLS data is missing or corrupt.

Things I have tried:

Boot to safe mode with no luck. Machine doesn't get past first line, "config" I believe

booting to recovery DVD

startup repair from recovery DVD and from Vista install DVD

sfc /scannow

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=e:\ /offwindir=e:\windows

sfc cannot start the repair service

searching for "pending.xml" file for sfc to run (not present)

turing windows modules installer to manual for sfc to run

running chkdsk /f /r multiple times

rebuilding BCD

bootrec /fixboot

bootrec /fixmbr

Upgrade install from DVD

Custom install from DVD (produces Windows.old, which I would like to avoid)

replacing files from install DVD such as ntkrnlpa.exe, hal.dll, etc.

loading registry hive into working system

resurrecting registry files from \windows\system32\config

system restore

loading NLS files from working Vista installation

(all files were backed up before copying files from good installation)

Please help me get this system to boot.

All data is backed up. Any help would be appreciated. I would like to avoid having to do a custom install or reinstall if possible, as getting the files from Windows.old is not very concise.

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Hi, arnolfini:

Is this by any chance the same computer with which gringo is already helping you >>HERE<<?

If so, it would be best to wait for his "all clear".

If there are any remaining issues after that for which he feels additional help is needed, then he'll likely send you here for the other experts to help you. :)

If not, then please excuse my asking, :blush:

If it's a different computer, then, by all means, the experts here in this section might be able to assist you with the non-booting problem. :)



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