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How to get ahead by outsourcing your job at 1/5th your salary.. :)


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.Security team fails to check logs, lets man goof off by outsourcing own job for years

by Paul Ducklin on January 17, 2013

A Naked Security reader with an eye for amusement amongst the doom-and-gloom that so often characterizes security stories yesterday pointed out a little beauty.

It's getting a fair bit of coverage, and it goes like this:

  • • IT checks the VPN logs after neglecting them for years.
  • • IT spots a connected session from China, right before their eyes.
  • • IT sees the login was done with the authentication token of an employee.

Hmm. Perhaps he's on vacation? A business trip? Obviously he's not around, so perhaps our geolocation data for the ISP he's using is inaccurate. Perhaps he's in Las Vegas? Everyone deserves a little outing to Vegas once in a while. (I made that bit up. The Vegas theory is nice, but it wasn't in the original story.)

  • • IT notices the employee sitting calmly at his desk.

At this point the story descends into a conspiracy theories of a Man in The Middle (MiTM) attack or a Man in the Employee's Own Web browser (MEOW) attack, but digging further reveals a really simple explanation.

The bloke has outsourced his own job!

He's found someone in China who'll do his work for him at 20% of his salary, so he's taken a 20% paycut in return for a 100% cut in effort. (More...)

Read about the whole scam as he cleaned up $$$-wise: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/01/17/security-team-fails-to-check-logs-lets-man-outsource-own-job-for-years/


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