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I did a little bit of search on the forum about keyloggers and read that Malwarebytes does detect some keyloggers but not legitimate keyloggers. I use my PC for gaming and I don't want anyone to hack into my account. Is it possible for potential hackers to use "legitimate" keyloggers to find my account information? If so, is there any possible way to protect myself from this and are there any other measures I can take to ensure my account information is safe?

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Hello and welcome, NostalgiaX: :)

Please refer to this recent post by Forum Admin AdvancedSetup to answer your question: http://forums.malwar...ndpost&p=580558



(PS If you search the forums here, you'll probably find several, similar topics. And you might also try a Google search, if you are looking for 3rd-party software.)

Thank you for the welcome! Yes, I did come across that thread as well. I guess I'm misunderstanding. Are those Keyloggers exclusively for businesses?

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  • Root Admin

As said - keyloggers that follow all legal business rules and are using signed drivers or drivers that are associated to their company can be legally used and it would not be right for us to detect them either. Generally speaking most Anti-Virus programs also will not detect them because they are not illegal and not installed without consent. In this case the consent is often the business owner not the end user or worker.

There are ways, means, tools to detect them but that also is not something we would assist with. If they are not of the known legal use keyloggers then yes we will detect and alert about them.

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