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pc not detecting tv


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I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have an LCD TV I want to hook up to my desktop pc via an HDMI cable. I hook it up and go to the control panel, display, settings, but the computer is not showing anything other than the existing monitor. It is not showing anything in the NVIDIA control panel either. I tried rebooting but nothing is detected. I have the latest drivers. Is there something else I'm missing here?

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The tv has 2 hdmi channels. The first is hooked up to our xbox and works fine. The second one tries to retrieve data but comes back with no signal. I'm running on Windows XP with a GeForce 9600 GT. I have one monitor using DVI and have speakers in the audio outputs.

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hmm well we have a tv hooked up to one of are computers in the house its a vga port its using though

my suggestion try using the port the xbox is using it could be a damaged port on the tv or even the cord

never know also of note you might want to try using a different plug if you can maybe your tv has vga or something try that

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I tried the other port the xbox is using since it was working but I got the same results as port #2, "no signal". I had the same thought and I did try using only the HDMI output without the monitor hooked up but the TV still never picked up a signal. I'm looking at the back of the computer and I see one HDMI port near the top of the motherboard with the keyboard, mouse and printer inputs and then there's two DVI ports near the bottom where the graphics card is.

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