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  1. My MB has also been working fine without any lock-ups under WIndows 7 for >60 hours. As usual MB on-line support was excellent. One tip - Bite the bullet. If there is ever another confirmed MB freeze/lock-up or blue-screen bug for any version of Windows, please warn your existing users... Personally I would appreciate a warning by E-Mail but could work with advice on a MB Facebook group if that is arranged and users advised that it will be used. My best regards also to the technical staff who identified and corrected the problem. Cheers, BerniE
  2. My lockups occurred in the home environment. If I had these problems while operating my business and found out that MB had known about such a potentially serious bug affecting Windows 7 users, several weeks before I found out, I would have been incensed. Someone with authority at MB needs to set up prompt notification policies to prevent this ever happening again. Malwarebytes have an excellent product with a great reputation and a very effective support base. Don't jeopardize the existence of your product with such a negligent response to a serious problem potentially affecting thousand of your longest term users. I'll forgive you once but if it ever happens again, I'll be off like a flash and take most of my former clients and people I introduced to your product, with me.
  3. Win 7 Pro does everything I need. I operate a few family PCs and devices in a home network environment . Win 10 makes more work for me as administrator of all the equipment. In the home environment I don't need the permission controls and restrictions needed in Business, or Office environments. Firewall Controls, Malwarebytes and a few other tools give me the security I need. And, after 38 years (I come from the DOS Version 1.1 on floppy disk days) I don't need an OS to tell me how to organize my directory structures, or storage on my systems, I prefer to do that myself, my way.
  4. I have a Win 7 PC and two WIn 10 PCs. The win 10 PCs have never locked up like this. That was part of the reason it was so difficult identifying the cause of my intermittent freezes/lockups on the Win 7 PC. +
  5. Brilliantly stated. I may be retired 20 year but I still influence many potential MB customers. I have one suggestion for Malwarebytes. Faced with a similar potentially nasty problem, err on the side of prompt factual advice to your existing user base, rather than pretend it will all go away in time, unnoticed.
  6. *** Thanks everyone for your continued feedback on the issue. For those affected by the issue, please provide the following information: * When did the freeze first start occurring? Around 12/17/2018 * What were you doing on the computer immediately prior to the latest freeze? Excel Spreadsheet work * Did you notice anything significant occur around the time of the latest freeze (e.g. AV notification, application crash, etc)? No. Freezes NEVER occurred in Windows Safe mode with networking enabled Freezes NEVER occurred in Normal Windows mode with the Ethernet DISCONNECTED. Freezes DID occur in Windows normal mode connected to the Network but while inactive at the Windows LOGIN Prompt, without any users logged in, or any applications running. * Has a freeze occurred when the computer is idle? yes, lots of times. * Have you noticed a correlation between high network traffic and the computer freezing? No * How often does the computer freeze? Every login at intervals from 2 minutes to 200 minutes logged in. Never lasted more than 200 minutes, many times failed after 2 - 4 minutes use but mostly failed after 20 - 30 minutes * Are you able to reproduce the freeze on-demand? If the answer is yes, what are the steps? No, but it happened at every login 2 - 200 minutes after login. * How old is the computer? 10 years. Dated but reliable machine - Full specs below. * Was the computer upgraded from XP/Vista to Windows 7? No Complete new installation to Windows 7 Ultimate. * Is the computer fully up-to-date with Windows Updates? Yes Which updates have been installed after the first freeze occurred? Updates still disabled . * Updates disabled during fault finding process. However current NVIDEA Graphics drivers have been re-installed. * Does the computer have multiple network adapters? If it does, what happens when you disable the adapter currently in use and switch to a different adapter? It has 2 Ethernet ports. Fault happens on either port. Hardwired connects to Netgear Switch, then TG789 NBN modem router. Happens on other ports of both these devices. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PC Specifications (Dated 10 YO PC but works perfectly on all activities except MB.) My Malwarebytes version on the Windows 7 PC (now uninstalled!!!) were: Malwarebytes Version: Component Package Version: 1.0.508 Update Package Version: 1.0.8722 PC OS - Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601.24334) Board: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. EP45-DS3P Bus Clock: 333 megahertz BIOS: Award Software International, Inc. F5 06/18/2008 Processor: 2.67 gigahertz Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 64 kilobyte primary memory cache 3072 kilobyte secondary memory cache 64-bit ready - Multi-core (4 total) - Not hyper-threaded 16,384 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory Display NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 [Display adapter] AOC Q3279WG5B [Monitor] (33.4"vis, s/n 341, May 2017) Microsoft ISATAP Adapter ↑ Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller With 2 Ethernet ports. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. To say that I am mortified that the Random PC freezes on my Windows 7 PC occurring since 17/12/2018 was a known problem at Malwarebytes about which I was not advised, is an understatement. It is only my long term respect and value for what Malwarebytes provides for me that prevents me from deleting your software on my two PCs and Notebook for ever and having nothing more to do with your corporation. It is all very well for current administrators and people intimately involved with MB and your Forums to know about the problem and to be investigating solutions. I can also understand 'mediocre' small scale developers being reluctant to advise users about serious bugs in their software but something as potentially nasty as this fault requires advice to all possibly affected users. You have no trouble finding my E-Mail address for advertisements about new products, why couldn't you warn me about a serious problem such as this? MB staff working on the problem should put themselves in the shoes of a 75 year old (retired 20 years IT administrator) now purely a home user, using his PCs for important personal activities. A long term satisfied MB user, from your earliest days, unaware that there was any possibility that your software could be the cause of his Windows 7 PC freezes and lockups. Consider the expense, hours of work and distress (to me and my wife) during the Christmas New Year period of frantically working to identify and find a solution to the most irritating fault I have ever experienced. A fault that randomly, at intervals from 2 minutes to 200 minutes froze my PC screen and locked my system up, requiring a power down restart into Windows Safe mode, with that mode's limited facilities. After finally identifying MB entries in system logs at the exact time of failures and finding a posting on your forums dated March 2018, about MB causing lockups (that's the word I use but your forums use 'freezes') I suspected that it may be causing my problem and completely uninstalled MB from my Windows 7 PC . Following removal of MB on 11/01/2019 I have had no further lockups in the days since. To then find so many postings about Windows 7 freezes/lockups here is the pits. My respect for Malwarebytes has fallen to an extremely low level. This fault caused me so much grief that at present I am not willing to re-install MB until you fix the problem and assure me that I won't receive any further freezes, or lockups. AND that if a similar fault of this scale ever occurs again you will promptly notify users of their potential risk. You have a Facebook group, why not make that the notification centre for such problems? Happy New Year.
  8. Since 17/12/2018 I started getting intermittent random PC freezes/lockups on my Windows 7 PC. I'm a long term user of MB, also on two Windows 10 PCs which are not having any problems. My MB version on the Windows 7 PC (now uninstalled) were: Malwarebytes Version: Component Package Version: 1.0.508 Update Package Version: 1.0.8722 My Windows 7 version is: Windows 7 Ultimate Version 6.1 (Build7601: Service Pack 1) My PC would freeze (screen frozen no mouse, or keyboard action possible) at random intervals, anywhere from 2 minutes after login to 120 minutes after login. Failures NEVER occurred in Windows Safe Mode with networking enabled, nor in Windows normal mode with the Ethernet network disconnected. Failures DID occur in Windows Normal Mode at a login prompt, without any users logged in or any applications running. Unaware that MB was the cause of my freezes, following one of the failures, I detected activity in the log file MBAMSERVICE.LOG as pasted below. Accessing reports in these Malwarebytes forums I read entries about MB causing freezes earlier in 2018 such as "3.4.4 is freezing my computer" By Anorax, March 12, 2018 in Malwarebytes 3 Support Forum, so I decided to completely uninstall MB on my Windows 7 PC. From the time I first logged in to Windows 7 normal mode after Malwarebytes was removed (now some 30 hours) I have not had any further PC Freezes, or lockups. What I am trying to determine is whether others have had similar 'freezing lockups' in Windows 7? What version of MB I should be using to prevent them? And is there any configuration action I can take to prevent such freezes/lockups happening again? Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My PC freeze occurred at 01/11/19 17:19:34 following which I rebooted my PC into Safe Mode at 17:37:22. The entries in this file near the time of failure, there were many Warning entries prior to the PC freeze/lockup: 01/11/19 " 16:19:31.722" 663499 0228 09b8 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 16:19:35.691" 667465 0e9c 0f54 INFO ActionsShim ActionsShim::FinishUpdate "actionsshim.cpp" 129 "Finishing u 01/11/19 " 16:19:35.838" 667606 0e9c 0f54 INFO MBAMShimImpl MBAMShimImpl::FinishUpdate "mbamshimimpl.cpp" 131 "MBAMCor 01/11/19 " 16:19:35.979" 667746 0e9c 0f54 INFO MBAMShimImpl MBAMShimImpl::InitializeInternal "mbamshimimpl.cpp" 62 01/11/19 " 16:19:33.194" 664971 01dc 020c WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 16:19:38.137" 669914 0228 09b8 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 16:19:39.212" 670989 01dc 0258 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 16:19:43.238" 675016 0e9c 0f54 INFO MBAMCoreImpl MBAMCoreImpl::Initialize "mbamcoreimpl.cpp" 123 "MBAMCor 01/11/19 " 16:19:43.238" 675016 0e9c 0f54 INFO BrowserSDKShim BrowserSDKShim::FinishUpdate "browsersdkshim.cpp" 154 01/11/19 " 16:19:43.390" 675156 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Pro 01/11/19 " 16:19:43.390" 675156 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Upd 01/11/19 " 16:19:43.400" 675172 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Upd 01/11/19 " 16:19:43.409" 675187 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Val 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.575" 676342 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Val 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.575" 676342 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Che 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.580" 676357 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Pro 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.580" 676357 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoU 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.580" 676357 0e9c 1424 INFO CleanControllerImpl CleanDBParser::Parse "cleandbparser.cpp" 18 "Parsing 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.582" 676357 0e9c 1424 INFO GalaxyRuleParser mb::common::galaxyrules::SimpleRuleFileParserV2::Parse 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.630" 676394 0e9c 1678 INFO MBAMWebProtection CSIRPCompleteCanceledIrp "cancelsafeirps.c" 99 "Min 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.630" 676394 0e9c 167c INFO MBAMWebProtection CSIRPCompleteCanceledIrp "cancelsafeirps.c" 99 "Min 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.634" 676398 0e9c 1690 INFO MBAMWebProtection DriverDispatchCleanup "driver.c" 203 "Client has disc 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.638" 676402 0004 0040 INFO MBAMWebProtection AddressHostFinalize "addresshost.c" 404 "At most 0 'loca 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.638" 676402 0004 0040 INFO MBAMWebProtection DriverUnload "driver.c" 162 "MBAMWebProtection servi 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.883" 676654 0e9c 1500 INFO MWACShimImpl MwacShimImpl::Initialize "mwacshimimpl.cpp" 357 "Initial 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.909" 676685 0e9c 1500 INFO MWACShimImpl MwacShimImpl::InitializeInternal "mwacshimimpl.cpp" 113 01/11/19 " 16:19:44.909" 676685 0e9c 1500 INFO MwacLibImpl MWAC_Initialize "mwaclib.cpp" 27 "Initializing Mwac SDK (3.1. 01/11/19 " 16:19:46.035" 677808 0e9c 1500 INFO MwacControllerImpl mb::mwaccontrollerimpl::MwacControllerImpl::InitializeMw 01/11/19 " 16:19:45.211" 676987 0004 002c INFO MBAMWebProtection DriverEntry "driver.c" 121 "MBAMWebProtection service s 01/11/19 " 16:19:45.214" 676990 0e9c 062c INFO MBAMWebProtection DriverDispatchCreate "driver.c" 191 "Client has conn 01/11/19 " 16:19:48.151" 679928 0228 0310 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj ~ 01/11/19 " 17:08:33.126" 3604903 0c28 0690 INFO MBAMChameleon EnumerateAndDeleteIfeoKeys "watchdog-common.c" 1029 "Enu 01/11/19 " 17:08:33.126" 3604903 0c28 0690 INFO MBAMChameleon EnumerateAndDeleteIfeoKeys "watchdog-common.c" 1099 "Enu ~ 01/11/19 " 17:18:51.980" 4223757 01dc 0258 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:01.153" 4232930 0228 09b8 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:04.023" 4235800 01dc 0258 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:11.167" 4242944 0228 0310 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:13.058" 4244835 01dc 0258 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:21.168" 4252945 0228 0310 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:22.087" 4253864 01dc 0224 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:26.584" 4258359 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Val 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.755" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Val 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.755" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Che 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.760" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoU 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.760" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoU 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.761" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Get 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.761" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Get 01/11/19 " 17:19:27.761" 4259529 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::Get 01/11/19 " 17:19:28.930" 4260699 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoU 01/11/19 " 17:19:28.930" 4260699 0e9c 0f54 INFO UpdateControllerImpl mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoU 01/11/19 " 17:19:31.182" 4262959 0228 0320 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj 01/11/19 " 17:19:34.131" 4265908 01dc 0224 WARNING MBAMChameleon PreProcHandleOperationRoutine "mbamwatchdog.c" 725 "Obj Following this entry my PC froze/locked up. Restarted PC. 1101/11/19 " 17:37:22.399" 24273 042c 0448 INFO LogController CLogController::Start "logcontroller.cpp" 93 "Started log 01/11/19 " 17:37:22.399" 24273 042c 0448 INFO LogController CLogController::Start "logcontroller.cpp" 95 "Local time
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