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Everything posted by sman

  1. "Love is blind" It didn't at that stage become a commonly used phrase and isn't seen again in print until Shakespeare took it up. It became quite a favourite line of his and appears in several of his plays, including Two Gentlemen of Verona, Henry V and this example from The Merchant Of Venice, 1596: Modern-day research supports the view that the blindness of love is not just a figurative matter. A research study in 2004 by University College London found that feelings of love suppressed the activity of the areas of the brain that control critical thought. Of course, we should all take note of J Mason Brewer's advice in Worser Days and Better Times, 1965 (which is described as a 'collection of negro humour'):
  2. Recognition only after her time..
  3. On "Selena day" .. Her murder has cut short such a talent .. http://abc7.com/entertainment/selena-remembered-friday-marks-22-years-since-queen-of-tejanos-death/1827860/ http://www.selenaforever.com/ RIP..
  4. ABSENTMINDEDNESS The man of the house finally took all the disabled umbrellas to the repairer's. Next morning on his way to his office, when he got up to leave the street car, he absentmindedly laid hold of the umbrella belonging to a woman beside him, for he was in the habit of carrying one. The woman cried "Stop thief!" rescued her umbrella and covered the man with shame and confusion. That same day, he stopped at the repairer's, and received all eight of his umbrellas duly restored. As he entered a street car, with the unwrapped umbrellas tucked under his arm, he was horrified to behold glaring at him the lady of his morning adventure. Her voice came to him charged with a withering scorn: "Huh! Had a good day, didn't you!" The absentminded inventor perfected a parachute device. He was taken up in a balloon to make a test of the apparatus. Arrived at a height of a thousand feet, he climbed over the edge of the basket, and dropped out. He had fallen two hundred yards when he remarked to himself, in a tone of deep regret: "Dear me! I've gone and forgotten my umbrella." The professor, who was famous for the wool-gathering of his wits, returned home, and had his ring at the door answered by a new maid. The girl looked at him inquiringly: "Um—ah—is Professor Johnson at home?" he asked, naming himself. "No, sir," the maid replied, "but he is expected any moment now." The professor turned away, the girl closed the door. Then the poor man sat down on the steps to wait for himself. The clergyman, absorbed in thinking out a sermon, rounded a turn in the path and bumped into a cow. He swept off his hat with a flourish, exclaiming: "I beg your pardon, madam." Then he observed his error, and was greatly chagrined. Soon, however, again engaged with thoughts of the sermon, he collided with a lady at another bend of the path. "Get out of the way, you brute!" he said. The most absentminded of clergymen was a Methodist minister who served several churches each Sunday, riding from one to another on horseback. One Sunday morning he went to the stable while still meditating on his sermon and attempted to saddle the horse. After a long period of toil, he aroused to the fact that he had put the saddle on himself, and had spent a full half hour in vain efforts to climb on his own back.
  5. story of a crawling train. The conductor demanded a ticket from a baldheadedold man whose face was mostly hidden in a great mass of white whiskers."I give it to ye," declared the ancient. "I don't reckon so," the conductor answered. "Where did you get on?""At Perkins' Crossin'," he of the hoary beard replied.The conductor shook his head emphatically."Wasn't anybody got aboard at Perkins' Crossin' 'cept one little boy.""I," wheezed the aged man, "was that little boy."
  6. The retort of Lamb, when Coleridge said to him: "Charles, did you ever hear me lecture?". "I never heard you do anything else." And again, Lamb mentioned in a letter how Wordsworth had said that he did not see much difficulty in writing like Shakespeare, if he had a mind to try it. "Clearly," Lamb continued, "nothing is wanted but the mind."
  7. Oh.. noted and tks @AdvancedSetup..
  8. A young lieutenant was passed by a private, who failed to salute. The lieutenant called him back, and said sternly:"You did not salute me. For this you will immediately salute two hundred times." At this moment the General came up."What's all this?" he exclaimed, seeing the poor private about to begin.The lieutenant explained."This ignoramus failed to salute me, and as a punishment, I am making him salute two hundred times.""Quite right," replied the General, smiling. "But do not forget, sir, that upon each occasion you are to salute in return."
  9. what is your type of MBAM account?.. do a 'clean boot' and startup MBAM and check working..
  10. Rootkit infection in Win 10 is strange, when Defender is sufficient to protect OS with uefi secure boot to go with.. It would also be better to check with MS on the Protection breach .. Would better read https://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/dn168167.aspx even though this link is on win 8..
  11. I missed that he is a premium user .. all the more reason with a rootkit issue, to ckeck OS compatibility and OS genuinity..
  12. He is yet to confirm system compatibility to OS, which would clear issues with OS, as MBAM is a trialware of latest 3.0.. Maybe, he wants to have MB views on the check result, but Better OS compatibility is checked and confirmed..
  13. sman


    read this too. https://www.deepdotweb.com/jolly-rogers-security-guide-for-beginners/combining-tor-with-a-vpn/ with TOR some sites deny access , also to think about.. On Gmail, read this too..https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/gmail/tQzVdTlOE9o/tCIZvYfp0SsJ
  14. sman


    TOR also has been breached and there r alternatives which can also be tried as per https://cyberogism.com/2016/09/tor-alternatives/ (with I2P said to be good)..
  15. sman


    @Cowboy not only speed, accessing gmail will be a problem , deploying encrypting/decrypting tool to send/receive messages/file transfers would be a good trade-off.. my view..
  16. From a Grammy nominee.. 14-time Grammy nominee.. Hard to distinguish, another popular country music.. But the 'Queen' is the one & only "Shania"
  17. Annie is awesome, tks for that track.. Have gone by Evanascence but never knew that the real is Amy Lee.. A soft number by Trixie., nice..
  18. "Industry Leader" award sums his popularity.. but "No mercy" not to be linked to the popular Euro pop band .. Going on from "Eurythmics" German rage..
  19. http://computoser.com/
  20. First of all, system compatibility to WIN 10 to be ensured. No use hanging around with an incompatible OS.. check with your manufacturer first..
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