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Everything posted by sman

  1. sman


    TOR also has been breached and there r alternatives which can also be tried as per https://cyberogism.com/2016/09/tor-alternatives/ (with I2P said to be good)..
  2. sman


    @Cowboy not only speed, accessing gmail will be a problem , deploying encrypting/decrypting tool to send/receive messages/file transfers would be a good trade-off.. my view..
  3. From a Grammy nominee.. 14-time Grammy nominee.. Hard to distinguish, another popular country music.. But the 'Queen' is the one & only "Shania"
  4. Annie is awesome, tks for that track.. Have gone by Evanascence but never knew that the real is Amy Lee.. A soft number by Trixie., nice..
  5. "Industry Leader" award sums his popularity.. but "No mercy" not to be linked to the popular Euro pop band .. Going on from "Eurythmics" German rage..
  6. http://computoser.com/
  7. First of all, system compatibility to WIN 10 to be ensured. No use hanging around with an incompatible OS.. check with your manufacturer first..
  8. Martka, a touch of Madonna, touch of Cyndi, such a wonderful talent.. It's a mystery why she quit so early, when she had everything going.. A great loss to Music..
  9. Here is the pdf version to make clear the subject.. room 342-min.pdf
  10. the obvious is obvious..
  11. @Cleatusr u serious? what is true love according to you? will you hate your loved ones, if they were to do so?
  12. No doubt "Cher" is unique..and numero uno in her style..
  13. @AdvancedSetupWiki's ref just for the song, speaks volumes of it's popularity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take_Me_Home_(Jess_Glynne_song)
  14. @AdvancedSetupJess voice is stronger while Macy is soft personified.. It is why I found 'Cher' in her..the diff is definitely in the voice..
  15. How much interest generated also is evident in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So_Long_at_the_Fair , http://forum.forteantimes.com/index.php?threads/missing-person-at-1889-paris-exhibition.8833/
  16. @AdvancedSetupRomanian/Albanian stars impress me with their styles.. and Wow sensational collections turning out to be..
  17. Romanion sensation.. Another Romanian sensation, who skyrocketed to fame after the release of her single "Bilionera," which gained more than 60 million views on YouTube in less than two years. Romanion Dance music.. lyrics :
  18. @MikeWMaybe the author's, AH fans could be checked out what they have to say, even BBC one, should we??
  19. There r many folklores, do they also fall in this category?? 'There can't be smoke w/o fire? the fact, there r many versions, and media interest proves there is some basis..
  20. This is what "Look and Learn" has to say..
  21. As can be seen it is rated within top 10 and way above even 'Dial M for Murder' , and where the plot/theme stands & significance.. Incidentally, The Lady Vanishes was named Best Picture of 1938 by The New York Times. In 1939, Hitchcock received the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Director, the only time Hitchcock received an award for his directing..
  22. This is from 'The Telegraph's rating of AH's "From Topaz to Psycho: top 52 films"
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