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Everything posted by Firefox

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum.... did you try and run the removal process in malwarebytes to let it does its job? You could try that, then reboot and then try to re-scan and see if the infection is gone.
  2. you mentioned that you put the hard drive in another system and ran a scan with symantec..... did you try running malwarebytes scan on it using that same system?
  3. 2nd bid on the lowest price.....
  4. Firefox


    I would have to say its a matter of what you like. All browsers have bugs in them. Being that IE is on the top of the most used one, then it gets explioted more than others. If you have a good antivirus program (must be keep up to date) and have a good program like Malwarebytes running in the back ground you should be ok. Also stay away from known sites that can potentially have malicious software on them (ie. porn sites, crack sites and the like).
  5. Already checked the spam folders, I guess I shall wait some more.....
  6. Have a look HERE it explains what the IP Protection is all about.
  7. I filled out and submitted the form for corporate pricing on malware bytes and how the processes works, its been a couple of days and no reply as of yet. Is there a place on the forum that explains that? Thanks Looking at possibly 150 to 175 computers for now.
  8. I am so old I cant remember if I just went to the bathroom.....
  9. I have remove those and have not had any adverse side effects on my computer.....
  10. two levels of security is always better, if one dont get the infection hopefully the second will.....
  11. going to have to check them out for sure, the remove we can always do ourselves, just need to know what to remove right.....
  12. too many corrupt files happening could be a sign of bad ram or a going bad hard disk. Runs some tests on your memory and your hard disk.
  13. I have used trojan-remover with good results
  14. I have seen random texts come to random phones, not only iphones. These hackers just use random generators that generate phone numbers and they send mass text messages to them. Hoping that someone will receive it and click on them.
  15. Well not sure what that installer file is, doing a search on google does not bring back any results. I would remove this file from my computer (you could back it up someplace in case you need it) and then try a full scan again. If it completes ok then the file was the problem.
  16. I was not able to check my IP Protection either, I also tried uninstalling and restarting, then re-installing the software with the same result. I finally got it working by doing this first: First I clicked on Enable Protection (this turned off the protection) Second I clicked on IP Protection (this put a check mark on it hence enableing it) Third I clicked on Enable Protection once again (to enable it) That seemed to work. One other thing I noticed..... If I am connected using a CAT5 network cable this works find.... If I am connected using my Sprint USB wireless card, I can not enable IP protection for nothing.....
  17. you may have to use a third party software package like File Rescue Plus for example, another is Get Data Back....
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