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David H. Lipman

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Everything posted by David H. Lipman

  1. Malwarebytes can give away the Milk. Malwarebytes can not give away the Milk producing Cow.
  2. GOOD ADVICE and you are 100% correct.
  3. I can envision a rural community when the first Locamotive Engine rolled down the tracks... Want Privacy... Dump Smart Phones !
  4. Yes @Porthos, that caused me to to get the Mwlwarebytes' Newsletter from an email account I had already performed an Opt-Out on. 🤬
  5. Doomsday is recurring Human Theme with Doomsday Cults taking them to heart such as Aum Shinrikyo and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh as well as Jim Jones and the People's Temple. Y2K was a nothing burger. The Aztec Calendar apocalypse of 2012 was also a nothing burger. However, the 2012 movie directed by Roland Emmerich starring John Cusack was phun to watch though. Cool special effects! Ron Paul's economic apocalypse was just another example. All just recent events. But it is a recurring Human Theme throughout history. 2025 Doomsday? I don't think so. Take notes from the past and learn history's lessons. Hindsight is 20/20 vision and one will have greater clarity. Reference: Doomsday Cults
  6. Thank you. It may not be a Phish. It is most likely some entity trying to obtain monetary gain through a referral to the Malwarebytes store; store.malwarebytes.com which is legitimate. We have been seeing numerous posts and submissions of people getting spam email with FakeAlerts and Renewal notices not by Malwarebytes but in the name of Malwarebytes. References: Verify subscription renewal email is legitimate Fake renewal emails being received Malwarebytes' Blog: Software renewal scammers unmasked
  7. As Forum Members can see, I'd like to keep stalkerware and electronic stalking in the forefront. How to lock out your ex-partner from your smart home Posted: January 24, 2024 by Pieter Arntz
  8. Translated Franch: Hi jluclille59 Malwarebytes Premium is only a desktop anti malware solution. It does not c over other product lines such as VPN. What you used is essentially a marketing tool offering only a glimpse at what the paid-for service can do for you
  9. Please reference: Digital Footprint Report
  10. Please do not multi-post. I have removed the other post. Please reference this thread: Digital Footprint Report Note that while information is supplied, it is not complete. It is, after all, a marketing tool to get a paid subscription. You have to either subscribe to get more complete information or suss out the information from additional sources. The following can be used to check your email addresses to see if any are associated with any breaches - https://haveibeenpwned.com/
  11. @JorgeBon Does this now give you some piece of mind as the OP of this thread?
  12. @Clang provided me the email. It was a Forged Email.
  13. @Therealscdc Malwarebytes is currently Please try; http://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb4_offline It will download the full offline installer and update the product to the latest version. If you have issue, please start your own thread. This is @Overwolf's thread. Thank you.
  14. Please note this is @COSMICX's thread. Do not reply if you are not a member of an Advanced Forum Group. Thank you.
  15. Considering Xfinity's recent breach... THAT could be targeted.
  16. Ivanti vulnerabilities now actively exploited in massive numbers Posted: January 17, 2024 by Pieter Arntz At first, the scans by the researchers showed only limited exploitation. But later they observed scans made by an unknown party that revealed compromised devices which had a different variant of the web shell on them. The latest numbers indicate some 1700 compromised devices. The fact that there are no patches available and users were asked to apply a workaround and monitor their network traffic for suspicious activity, may have contributed to the slow response to the sounded alarms. Almost 7000 devices remain vulnerable according to the latest count. The workaround requires importing a mitigation.release.20240107.1.xml file which can be obtained via the download portal (login required). The XML file is in the zipped format, so you’ll need to unzip and then import the XML file. Navigate to Maintenance > Import/Export > Import XML Use the Browse button to point to the unzipped XML file Click the Import Button Importing this XML into any one node of a Cluster is enough. A FAQ and more detailed instructions can be found in the Ivanti advisory article. It is important to note that applying the workaround or a patch, when they are made available, is not enough to undo the effects of an attack. To find out whether your devices have been compromised, you can run the Integrity Checker Tool provided by Ivanti. This integrity tool allows an administrator to verify the integrity of the ICS / IPS Image installed on Virtual or Hardware Appliances This tool checks the complete file system and finds any additional/modified file(s). Act now! Ivanti vulnerabilities are being actively exploited Posted: January 11, 2024 by Pieter Arntz
  17. Raptor School Safety Software Breach Exposed 4 Million Records Including Highly Sensitive Data
  18. Data Privacy Week
  19. You still can. It just means don't use Safari due to its architectural limitations. Use Mozilla Firefox instead.
  20. Hopefully, it will NOT happen again. IFF it does, Malwarebytes will need a Log Analysis to see why you have a recurring problem.
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