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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Or you can change the password asap from another machine known to be clean
  2. Yeh I just got an IP block too... presumably on the picture that the original poster posted. IPs: And got them again after I hit the Submit Post button. So without being able to see the picture, unfortunately I can't help, and I am certainly not disabling my IP protection.
  3. Hello and welcome!! There is a lot to read around here, and you are more than welcome to post and ask any questions that you may have!
  4. Hello and welcome. Yes, you need to run it with an AV program. You may need to add some exclusions, please check out this topic for further information, and let us know if you need some help with it! http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...ost&p=49525
  5. I want my hair to hurry up and grow longer too.
  6. That's what I was going to suggest too, Firefox. That's pretty much what I do too, or edit an old post of mine to test, then remove the test from that old post when I am finished.
  7. You're welcome Unfortunately I am not sure about the PowerPoint question, if no one else answers within a couple of days, I could try and test this out for you if you want -- we have Office at work. It could be a while before I'd be able to test it though, just so you know. In the meantime, I'll try to see what information I can find out about this on their website or something.
  8. Hey Amethyst, Just save the files (Save as) that he created with OpenOffice as this file type (see attached screenshot) And you shouldn't have any troubles Edit: Thanks for that link, Ron
  9. To be honest I haven't watched the video yet -- I will though. If I was going to school or worked from home or something, I would definitely purchase Office. Right now I rarely need to use a Word processor/spreadsheet at home, so I scooted by with WordPad, and downloaded OpenOffice a couple of months ago. I think it's great and it has all the basics and I like it.
  10. Well unfortunately I can't afford Office and I don't need it badly enough to purchase it (if I were going to school right now I'd buy it though), so I am going to use Open Office for the few tasks that I do need to do. Sorry MS.
  11. Yeh I got an IP block. Your link redirects to: http://notebooks.com/2010/10/13/how-to-make-your-windows-7-system-even-faster/ When I was trying to re-load it to see if the IP block stayed or if part of it loaded, I was prompted to download a file whilst in Opera (via the link that I posted)?? I hit cancel... don't think anything downloaded. Weird...
  12. I don't really use the flash scan and I don't have a flash scan run after an update, BUT IF I DID - I support this suggestion
  13. Hi Swagger, I know you didn't ask me but MY guess (and don't take my word for it) is because Mbam will be moving to incremental updates at a future date (within the next few months I believe), that may be why manual update procedures aren't being advertised. Once incremental updates are in place, manual updates will no longer be possible, as far as I understand.
  14. Mr. or Miss fly lands on my leg, I'll move my leg, he/she flies off, lands on me again, so I just leave it be so long as it's on my pants and not my bare skin... ewww
  15. You might consider temporarily un-installing AVG and using another anti-virus program until this is resolved. If interested, I will post you my recommendation for a different free AV program for you to use until this is fixed. Do you believe yourself to be infected at all though?
  16. Silly ladybugs, you're supposed to live outside!! B) B) Thankfully none have really been present this year inside other than one or two randomly. You too, oh-so-annoying fly that will never leave me alone lately lol
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