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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. I think that CCleaner takes care of these, I run CCleaner after I finish my browser session. I always see Adobe Flash items with the file type .sol deleted when I run CCleaner
  2. @Haider lol it's random gibberish & symbols Doesn't actually technically mean something...
  3. wow... This is what I have to say about that... alkdfjlkajflkasdjfakjdfjaldf@#$%&*^%@!%$#!uf@&I&^$^&@^(%##@&$djflkajfkladf
  4. You're welcome Glad I could lift your spirits today.
  5. Garybear, I personally feel that there was nothing wrong with your post and that performing a regular backup of ones files and/or harddrive is definitely a good practice to get into!! It does not hurt to post an informational topic like you did - many people, registered members and guests alike - browse the forums here so your topic is bound to help someone in need. The PC Help forum was an appropriate place for your post, and the forum isn't JUST about malware removal (although that and tech support is the forums main focus), that's why there's a PC Help section, a software updates section, a security section, etc...
  6. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39265727/ns/health-food_safety/
  7. @ CaptainO, After inserting the CD, please drag the files you wish to burn to CD to the CD drive and then choose "Write to disk". What operating system are you running by the way?
  8. Thanks for that explanation, GT! While I already had a pretty good understanding of how Mbam works in regards to/relation with an antivirus (as well as how it handles files it monitors), your explanation really helped to solidify that understanding for me
  9. Happy Happy Birthday, ElPiedra Hope it's a great one!
  10. Exile, Sure! You know I love to help Try to let me know at least a few days ahead of time though if possible. Or if it's something I can do when I have time as soon as possible after you let us know, that works too
  11. Well, you've just posted your question today, so bear in mind that you're not always going to get a reply right away. There are lots of volunteers and staff members on the forum as well, so in all likelihood someone will be able to answer your question, although it could take some time.
  12. Exile, If I can be any help at all in investigating this, let me know!
  13. Well I am glad, and it is fortunate, that nothing too major has happened as a result of this storm, and it's also good that there have been no major injuries or any deaths Thanks for keeping us posted. The damage in some of those pictures seems pretty bad though, and the flooding! Ugh That's sure to cause some structural damage to homes and buildings
  14. Bah. Hubby keeps trying to tell me this... Bah. lol
  15. Ah-hah, that's exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks Exile
  16. That's unfortunate, but makes sense. Would you be able to elaborate a little bit though, I don't totally get it. Would using rules.ref from the machine its pulled from break the Malwarebytes on the system that is otherwise unable to update? Or is using rules.ref just not possible period once the incremental updates are implemented? Or would rules.ref basically just not exist anymore?
  17. Think I found out how http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957700#stepsforwin7 (Just click "Click here to view or hide detailed information" under "Steps for Windows 7") This second link was written for Vista, but might be the same in 7 (only try this if the first link doesn't work): http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows...rnet-Explorer-8
  18. Happy Happy Birthday to you both!!! May it be a wonderful one!!!
  19. I think it's weird that it doesn't show under Programs... hmmm. (But I'm sure they've done it for a reason). Right-clicking under all programs (via start menu) does NOT show a program version for me, unfortunately. Is IE showing under all programs at all? This link from Microsoft told me information that I already gave you: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/Windows...rer-youre-using So basically is IE showing in All Programs??
  20. Yeah, I understand what you mean. Let's see what staff members have to say
  21. What Operating System do you have??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_8 From within the interface of the IE that you currently have, choose "Help" then "About Internet Explorer". Or under Programs or All Programs (this being on the start menu) find IE and right-click and then Properties. (This method may or may not show you what version of IE you have).
  22. What about using the rules.ref method? Will that still work once the incremental update system is in place?
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