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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Thank you DaleDoc and Ron! I have not tried the offline installer. I am going to try that first, then if that doesn't work, I"ll try what you and Ron suggested. I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. This update has failed to install about 10 times now. Short of installing all of my .net framework packages and reinstalling, is there anything else I can try? I did a little web-searching, but it wasn't very helpful
  3. Ironically, I feel like I'm coming down with something this morning. Hopefully just a cold. That's all I usually get. Ugh
  4. Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay here
  5. @Screen317 Yeah. I don't take a lot of things too seriously that I read, especially if they don't seem well researched or well thought-out, but, it makes for an intresting read. Exercise and having enough fluid in your body does make a lot of sense, though. @GT500 I also try to avoid high fructose corn syrup especially. One, because it's horrible for you, and two, I really really disagree with it's usage in foods entirely, and I do not want it in my body if I can help it. @Exile360 That would be ever so nice, but unfortunately we can't all do that Sometimes I wish I didn't have to have contact with others, ha!
  6. Hello and welcome! Enjoy your time here
  7. Hehehe. I need to warm up to garlic, it's sooo good for you.... not a huge bacon fan. I love herbal tea. I exercise 5-6 days a week and I drink a LOT of water. I don't get sick very much, a (sometimes bad) cold or two every year is about the worst I usually get.
  8. Pretty awesome slideshow... check it out http://healthyliving.msn.com/diseases/cold-and-flu/15-ways-to-prevent-colds-and-flu
  9. Oh, sorry! I hope you were able to get it to work, it looks like you did!
  10. I like them both. I kinda liked the original more, but maybe that's coz I absolutely love red and black together But I really like the new icon too, and I agree, consistency is good!
  11. It's a bit tedious, but you could uninstall them all (in order), run the cleanup tool, and then re-install them all (in the correct order). Don't forget to check for updates until there are no more after re-installation. That should probably be a last resort, as it's extremely tedious, but I just wanted to put the thought out there. I've done this myself 2-3 times now...
  12. You too DaleDoc! Happy New Year everyone in the Malwarebytes community!!!
  13. Working quite well here! Great job everyone! I love the new icon (although I did like the old one too )
  14. Ugh. I've never watched it but hearing about it all the time annoys the *beep* out of me. Edit: I just watched 30 seconds of it, that is enough for me... bleh
  15. And don't forget, each home license is a lifetime license; there is no yearly cost.
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