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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Cool! Can you get that from the App store? How do you know for sure which one is the legit one (in case there are copy-cat ones?)
  2. Eh, I remove cookies after each browsing session usually
  3. Ohhhh boy.... :/ I set up computers myself thank you very much
  4. Congratulations and welcome aboard
  5. I came here for help and to be thankful for that help, and I also really enjoyed it here and have been a regular ever since... Good folks, excellent help from staff and volunteers alike, and good conversations in the non-business part of the forum (General)... an all-around awesome place to "hang out" online I enjoy helping people as well, so when I can I jump in and help... lately though I've mostly just observed but when I can be helpful, I am!
  6. I just want to pipe in that Malwarebytes is definitely a program worth every single penny paid for it and then some! As for paid vs. free, free is always good (who doesn't like something for free? [as long as it is free LEGALLY, of course]), but if everything was free, then well, a lot less people would have jobs, and not everything can come for nothing. This is not to downput those that make, create, support, and enjoy free products such as Linux. But again, someone, somewhere, had to put a lot of money and time and effort into creating their products/services, and at the end of the day, everyone needs to put food on the table and have a roof over their head. I like free products too, but I don't mind paying for products when I can (and in some cases, such as when I bought Malwarebytes, WANTED to pay for it), and Malwarebytes was definitely a good investment and then some for me.
  7. Thank you Ron & Exile for that excellent information! We do not have any Blu-Ray movies so I did not know that Windows never played them natively anyway, but good informaton to have nonetheless. VLC is definitely a good option, and I have used it myself for DVD playback when WMP would not play a movie.
  8. Oh dear.... sometimes the way to watch a movie is via computer if one does not have a DVD player! I hope there will still be software available to install so that one can play a DVD on the PC. Also they had still better have a CD/DVD drive so that that will be possible!
  9. Well if one thinks about it long enough, then one might eat some so I guess that will add to the frame LOL but yeah... I love it with MINT mmmmm never tried it with Orange yet though.
  10. heh well it works for me but just makes me crave it more in the end HAHAHAH
  11. I was just thinking about chocolate and then the words Virtual Chocolate came to my mind... so I searched it and I found this website: http://www.virtualchocolate.com/ Yummy, without the calories and sugar!
  12. I use MSE and Mbam too, (previously used KAV & Mbam), and both have always run smooth as silk together! I hardly run into an instance where I even get a notification about a nasty trying to get in, but when I did, sometimes KAV would pop up first or sometimes MBAM... and mind you, I only got this when using the SpyCar website! I actually had to disable KAV so that Mbam could do its job with the SpyCar site
  13. Ughh! I don't give a rat's beeeeehinddd about FB credits or anything else that these scammers come up with... it's too bad that people fall for it though. Thanks for posting this
  14. It is 316 MB. Of course you will need to obtain further updates after that as SP3 has been out for four years now. First, I recommend you run CCleaner: Use CCleaner to Remove Temp Files: CCleaner from here and save the installer to your desktop. Close all open internet browser windows Double click on the ccsetup file to start the installation of the program. Select your language and click OK, then click Next. Read the license agreement and click I Agree. Click Next to use the default install location. Click Install then click Finish to complete installation. Double click the CCleaner shortcut on the desktop to start the program. On the Windows tab, under Internet Explorer, uncheck Cookies if you do not want them deleted. (If deleted, you will likely need to reenter your passwords at all sites where a cookie is used to recognize you when you visit) If you use Firefox or any other Mozilla browsers, the box to uncheck for Cookies is on the Applications tab, under Firefox/Mozilla. Click on the Options icon at the left side of the window, then click on Advanced. uncheck Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 24 hours. Click on the Cleaner icon on the left side of the window, then click Run Cleaner to run the program. Caution: It is not recommended that you use the Registry feature unless you are very familiar with the registry as it has been known to find legitimate items for removal, which can cause issues with other programs. After CCleaner has completed its process, click Exit. Credit for CCleaner instructions to Exile360. Let's continue via PM reply to me there.
  15. Your machine will be fine at handling SP3 then. Please open Internet Explorer and check manually for updates. Also we should probably move this to a thread either under PC Help or Private Message, so that we don't keep replying under comments and suggestions, as this is no longer a comment or suggestion post Has an Mbam scan found any infections?
  16. Well at the top it'll say the basic specs and info about the ocmputer, but I don't think it'll tell you if it is 32 or 64 bit simply becuase 64 bit XP is rare... the reason I was asking you if you had 64 bit is because SP2 IS the latest SP for XP 64bit, but not for 32 bit, which the vast majority of XP machines are. You can try downloading Speccy, that will tell you for sure Do you think it is possible that you may have a lingering or pieces of an infection left over that may have prevented you from downloading SP3? How much RAM does your machine have? The System WILL tell you that information.
  17. It's a little computer icon, and actually it says SYSTEM, not setup. Sorry about that. Long day... At any rate, you should open up Internet Explorer and manually check for updates and hopefully SP3 will come through. Have you always had antivirus/antimalware protection on your computer?
  18. It probably is not but... in order to check, go to Start > Control Panel > Setup. If that doesn't tell you (and it may not)... You can also find out using Speccy. Why is your machine only up to SP2? You should have SP3.
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