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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. I wonder if this is only affecting W7. I wonder if I should uninstall it from two work machines that have W7. No issues so far... plus the machines are rarely rebooted, I do that once in a while
  2. I usually scan when I am not using the computer, and manually scan (vs scheduling it). However, I will do scans sometimes when I am using the computer. But no, it is not really necessary to close things when scanning, although it may make scan time a tiny bit faster.
  3. news.yahoo.com/parents-hope-photo-fatal-text-203757749.html I do not understand why people seem to think that it is okay to text and drive (let along all the other things people think is ok to do while driving). Nothing is worth more than your life and.or the lives of those around you.
  4. I think that that is a neat idea, but I for one would not like it, and would hope that it was an OPTION and not something that you HAD to use with the product (I would say the same for any software program on a computer that had this option). I also like windows + L
  5. Thanks for the tips guys! I believe I have 2GB of ram. Or according to the built-in computer specs under control panel, 1.99 GB .
  6. haha! bleh Java! I make sure it is updated at work (don't think we even need it, but don't want to take it off just in case) but I haven't used it at home in at least 3 yrs!
  7. true true but I don't think I'd have the patrience lol and I'd likely mess it up I'd love to though, maybe I will do that! It would probably take me a while, though
  8. Mmm. I am not sure if I will purchase W7 or just get a new computer when XP is up or like 6-12 months after XP is up... I dunno... I hate going computer shopping, I don't fully know what I am doing, but thanks to all the awesome people here, I know a lot BETTER what I am doing
  9. Installed this morning, working well! I was happy to not have to reboot since I am working on something Good job Malwarebytes!
  10. Thanks. Hopefully I can buy it soon in about a month when I have some money.
  11. Thanks for that link Ron!!! I am not looking forward to the death of XP. I'd like to keep using it for at least a year after, if possible. I don't want to have to pick out a new computer, and I am not sure if my current machine will upgrade nicely to W7 & I don't like the look of W8 & don't want to buy it. Not sure if you can still even purchase 7 either.
  12. Malwarebytes is definitely a great complement to a good antivirus program I used to use KAV (Kaspersky antivirus) with MBAM Pro, now I use MSE with Mbam pro. A very good combination I personally don't like Norton or McAfee much, but, from what I've heard, Norton is a lot better than it used to be
  13. Sadly, yes... but yay for the donkey in the last window
  14. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/03/26/andrew_weissmann_fbi_wants_real_time_gmail_dropbox_spying_power.html
  15. No cloud for me either! Meh! Unless its pretty fluffy ones in the sky
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