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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Mmm. He was spectacular! I like Beethoven too, but sometimes he makes me sleepy
  2. I don't know about a huge increase, but I get them from time to time...
  3. Yeah, I pretty much agree with that. I've not used it, as I said, but, I don't like the idea!
  4. Mmm. Yeah. When I started seeing W8 advertised, I thought it looked horrible! I am glad that you can view the desktop etc on it, but, I dunno, I just don't like the setup. I like the start menu... why fix what ain't broke?
  5. the full start menu would be best, I agree! I don't like the main W8 screen ugh.
  6. The red hawk has 2 hatched chicks as of right now, and I just caught sight of them, so cute!!! The heron now has 4 eggs, and the Osprey appears to have 1 egg so far.
  7. GOOD! Yay! I don't have Win8 in fact I've not used it except seeing it on display computers at stores, but, I do not like the idea of no initial start menu/desktop. I think that this is a good thing for MS.
  8. This sounds excellent! Thank you for the update! This has completely put my mind at ease, and I feel comfortable leaving the setting on now if I want to. Kudos to Malwarebytes, an amazing company run by amazing people
  9. I am watching birds http://cams.allaboutbirds.org/channel/16/Red-tailed_Hawks/ http://cams.allaboutbirds.org/channel/8/Great_Blue_Herons/
  10. Excellent advice! Thank you for sharing.
  11. Excellent Red Tail Hawk stream right now!
  12. I love Opera, but Firefox is a close second. I don't use IE that much. This is all personal preference. All three are great browsers in my opinion.
  13. I can't wait to see them tomorrow!
  14. I do not use Kaspersky anymore (not because they aren't a great security software, they are!), but I did for about 2 years, and I can confirm that it works beautifully with Malwarebytes! I added exclusions just in case, and I never had a conflict between the two.
  15. Right now there is a cam on a pair of Great Blue Herons and on a pair of Red Tailed Hawks. Enjoy http://cams.allaboutbirds.org/
  16. Thankfully I was not affected, but had I seen this happening, I would have shut my machine off immediately too I think. I now have the option UNchecked, just in case, although I do trust that this will never happen again. Malwarebytes is run by good people and they never meant for this to happen. I trust that it will never happen again. Unfortunately, for many people perhaps it happened while they were not physically present at their computers, and/or to hundreds of work computers with the Enterprise edition, which of course makes it all the worse, when its out of control and happening to a lot of machines... not a good scene all around. I trust that Malwarebytes will do their best to make it right, and I still trust their product and will continue to recommend it. It does make me sad to learn of what happened, especially for those who are not so tech-savvy, and those who had it happen on a lot of machines at once... that is certainly very difficult to have to deal with. I believe the whole point of the option being auto-checked is for people who don't really know what they are looking at when asked by their security software what to do with a found file. As I believe AdvancedSetup mentioned, most if not all, Anti-Virus programs have this feature auto-enabled as well. I am no computer expert by any means, but I consider myself to be an above average user (largely thanks to this forum), so I tweak the settings on my security software to fit my abilities/knowledge, but when helping someone who is not so technologically inclined, I use the auto features and trust that the products won't wreak havoc in the very unlikely event that something like this happens. I believe Kaspersky suffered an unfortunate event a few years back, and I think McAfee may as well. Malwarebytes is certainly not the first and unfortunately won't be the last, but I am confident that this is the last time this will happen for Malwarebytes.
  17. Awwwhhh what a handsome puppy! Thanks for sharing
  18. Thank you Marcin for your statement and explanation. Thankfully I was not affected as our machine was off and not in use all day yesterday. I agree, I think that it would be worth considering not having that option ticked by default, but to make users aware of the option if they do want it ticked. I unchecked that option on my computer after learning about this, just in case. I myself would prefer to be asked by Malwarebytes if such a threat is found, anyway, just in case.
  19. That's what I do, and was going to suggest, but you beat me to it
  20. http://articles.marketwatch.com/2012-08-07/finance/33066873_1_ipod-minis-apple-tv-ipad
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