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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Exile I didn't think that you were saying that I just don't know what is safe or not so I err on the side of caution and don't use any of them. I'd like to play the Bejeweled game, it sounds really fun, but I don't know a definite safe source. If you could tell me a safe place to get it, that would be super awesome! Or did you buy it? And I couldn't agree with you more; a known anti-adware company should not be doing that Bleh, seems like some toolbar or other is bundled with a lot of things lately Just gotta be careful and make sure next isn't hit without making sure there aren't any checked checkboxes that you don't want checked
  2. @ Lipson I'd go to the HJT forum to ask for help with removal if you haven't already. Also, may I ask what website this happened on, or are you not sure? Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase waht the person before you said and address them as @username or username: as this makes the forum easier to read
  3. That's what I had thought too, Marcus. You're welcome It's too bad, it looks like there are some fun games on there, but I don't play any games online. I'll stick with gaming systems and the games that come on the puter (such as Minesweeper, Solitaire, etc... and physically played board games, love those!!)
  4. Thanks Exile! I'll do this as soon as I am able to and let you know how it goes It also just occurred to me that I may have had it locked on top there, so I'll make sure that its not when I do this. Totally understand you not providing the link you got it from, that's fine (Not that I would try to do any of those things).
  5. @ Marcus I can get that for you later on today if you still want, but I believe its the IP in the thread that Exile linked to @ Exile I think that that is exactly right I've never used it though, I was just curious about it getting a block or not after seeing this thread; so I'm not missing anything
  6. I tried to copy the songs from my iPod into my iTunes so that I can listen to them on the computer too, and don't have to have the iPod plugged in order to listen to them. I couldn't figure it out on my own, although I've been able to before (at least I think so), and the help offered in the interface well wasn't very helpful. I wasn't able to find an answer, at least. I tried select all on my iPod (the songs) and then tried pasting them into the main library, but there was no "paste" option. Does anyone know how to do this? Or if this is even possible?
  7. @ Exile I am like this close to deleting my account... lol but I'll hold out a while longer. Anyway, I'll disable Flash whilst using Facebook, muhaha lol I don't think that Facebook has much or any of that going on, but I know that MySpace does for sure, and hi5! Facebook allows embedded videos, pictures, etc... but you have to actually click on them to see them (they show a thumbnail picture and a link when posted), and I think it pretty much allows youtube and I am not sure about the pictures.
  8. There should be a start protection button under the protection tab in the Malwarebytes interface (It should be down towards the bottom). Then, you enter the KEY and ID you were given with your Cleverbridge purchase, this should be in your email.
  9. @ Exile Oh no!!! Is this on the site in general or if you happen to go to a bogus profile/fan page or something?
  10. I just went to pogo.com because I was curious if I'd get any alerts from MBAM or my AV. Got an IP block but the page was still allowed to load. Someone I know uses this site... ehhh
  11. I don't check their sites very often, but I can try and check to see if it happens to me as well. I'm a little hesitant though, I don't want to infect my system You may have an infection on board and.or they maybe have been hacked or something similar
  12. I don't think so Firefox, but I could be wrong.
  13. @ Exile I didn't know that. I know that MySpace allows much more than Facebook though, which is one reason I don't use it anymore. I hope Facebook doesn't allow this (scripts and similar potentially scary items) as well, I don't think it does but I can't be totally sure.
  14. I'm just on the forum here and listening to some music on my iTunes Nice and relaxing. I haven't listened to music much in a long, long time. I miss it. Mostly I listen to the radio on the way to work and home and when I go other places now, and that is it for my music listening lately, and CD's in the car sometimes too. Although I enjoy listening to music on the radio, I miss listening to quote my music, hehe.
  15. Yeah I don't like that they want all that info. I don't use my real bday and they certainly never ever get my full name And I don't put any contact information on their either. My friends already have it, and social networking sites don't need it!
  16. I use the social networking site to keep in touch with people I might otherwise have a harder time keeping in touch with. One issue you might have is, I think by default (and this is super uncool) they have the box checked off to give your Facebook a public search listing and subject your profile to indexing. To change this, go to your profile, next to your name click on Settings. Then after you are directed to that page, scroll down, click on manage near Privacy. Then click on Profile (or Search) and there should be that check box I was telling you about. Uncheck it! Make sure you save the newly selected setting. Then, check the rest of your privacy settings. I recommend having it all on friends only, but do whatever you prefer to have other people be able to view on your profile.
  17. You're very welcome! Sounds like you've got it all figured out now. I had a feeling it had to be run as admin when on a limited account. But at least you can run as admin (and therefore update Mbam) while on the limited account (at least on Vista).
  18. @ js9600 Nah, I wasn't trying to say that I thought that MG itself was safer than download.com; its just my preferred download site now. That is all.
  19. Malwarebytes as far as I know. That link may not be approved for public display. It's being looked into.
  20. yes and to back up what js9600 just said, as long as Malwarebytes officially approves it (and they approve MG as well) then its safe to download the program from that site. Also, I am not saying that download.com is risky necessarily; I've used it for years (mostly for AVG free and Spybot) and never had a problem. It's just that the sketchy ads bother me now, so I use MG instead Also, just for the record, I am not employed by Malwarebytes; I am just a regular user like you guys. I love Malwarebyte's product, I have the PRO version, and I support them in all their efforts. They are great! I try to help out on the forums when there is something that I am able to help with too. I gotta go soon - will continue this later, probably tomorrow
  21. hi CCMUA2009 I would say that either one is safe to use, but honestly I think you should just follow the directions I gave you in my first reply to you in this thread. That's what I use every time I need to download the mbam setup, and never a problem. I can give you the direct .exe link too if you'd like, so once you click it will start downloading
  22. @ js9600 I understand what you are saying there, and it makes a lot of sense I wasn't necessarily saying that MG has 100% clean/safe advertisements and/or programs available for download on their site. The reason why I prefer them is a) the ads are not as big/annoying/confusing b ) Exile (one of our experts here) recommended to me that I use them instead of download.com. One experience that he had with MajorGeeks is his Kaspersky gave him an alert that the page he was visiting was infested with a Trojan (well actually it was an advertisement that was infected), and when he contacted them about it, they took it down quickly after, and he's never run into a problem like that since on their site. So that is definitely a good thing. Unfortunately, nothing's perfect. I don't mind ads so much as I mind the fact that some of them are really big/flashy/annoying and most of all, could contain rogue or worse applications instead of actually getting rid of what they claim to get rid of. Cnet/download.com claims to have tested spyware free 100% for applications, but of course I am sure that some slip through the cracks. I am not sure what MG's policy is, but hopefully something similar to or better than cnet.
  23. @ mbyuser Yeah, unfortunately they all could potentially have nasties on them at any given time. You just gotta be careful, have up-to-date software, and have downloading smarts I don't download anything now unless I know for a fact that its legit & safe. Or if someone that I trust to give accurate and safe links on this forum here gives me a link to download something. Those are pretty much the two instances that I will ever download anything now, with maybe an exception or two.
  24. RubberR DuckY, That's what I thought, and I agree, much much more important to concentrate on detecting and removing malware
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