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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. It cleans up remnants of mbam that normal uninstallation does not. It will clear out anything in quarantine and any logs as well, and for paid users, the ID and key number will need to be re-entered to register it again. It is meant to be used after first uninstalling mbam via the control panel. You don't need to get rid of it, but you can just delete it and empty the recycle bin if you don't want it after you've used it It doesn't actually install to your computer if that's what you mean.
  2. Oh then maybe the installation got messed up. I'd do a clean install then if I were you. > Download mbam from Cnet, but do not yet install. > Uninstall Malwarebytes via the control panel. > Restart your computer. > Download mbam clean from here. > Restart your computer. > Now install the mbam that you downloaded from Cnet See if that does the trick, and let us know.
  3. @ CCMUA2009 I think that it might actually be because you have Vista - if I am remembering correctly, it doesn't have the right-click scan-with option, but I could be wrong. I'll let Exile or Amethyst answer that for sure
  4. @ Deebee Ah, that's alright. We all get stumped sometimes If you do get stumped and have another question, someone will be able to assist you Thank you! I'm trying! You have a great weekend too.
  5. Hello John A and welcome to Malwarebytes! While I don't quite know the answer to your question, I am advising you to please please not purchase it in order to remove what it says its detecting. It is extremely poor business practice to ask a user to purchase a program to remove an infection detected on their system. This puts your personal information at risk. As I am sure you know, Malwarebytes does not do this and never will do this! You are talking about Spyware Doctor by PC Tools, correct? What has Malwarebytes detected in its scanning? You say its not detecting anything, as well as SpyBot. I've never used Spy Sweeper, so I can't say anything about that product. If they are all saying that you are clean though, you probably are (but it would be a good idea to have your system checked anyway, just in case). Were ANY of the detections by Mbam, SpyBot, or SpySweeper named TDSS or have anything similarly named in their detections? Also, as a side note, please when replying hit the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person before you said, as this makes the forum easier to read Thank you.
  6. Oh okay, that's good Well, not that the power gave out but that its not online That's good & you are quite welcome!
  7. @ Highcountryrider Please, next time use the "add reply"button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person before you said Oh, sorry. It's good that screensavers are not being downloaded Yeah, re-install it, and post a log here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=42 so someone can review the logo and tell you if its a FP or not... ( note, old logs should be saved too ) Since you don't want to restore something that isn't really a false positive Also, depending on what it is, malware may have actually done something here, not Malwarebytes. Malware can (but doesn't always) unfortunately cause damage when its removed.
  8. Yay for defrag I should do that sometime soon too hehe. I'm glad that they were able to help you out so much They are great!
  9. Highcountryrider, Yes it actually would show unless you've used mbamclean on the system And where is he getting these screensavers? Those can be a common infection point unfortunately.
  10. Sounds like a good plan, deebeee And you are quite welcome
  11. Paulus One important thing I forgot, and I hope that you see this - if at all possible, try not to use any website other than this one and any sites that your helper needs you to go to since your Avira is not currently working correctly. I'd also advise disconnecting the computer from the internet as well if at all possible except while you are on the forum.
  12. You're welcome Full protocols for what, specifically? Well, that's a good sign that its not advertisements at least. It may or may not be a malware issue, but I don't really know either way. Maybe there is a setting in Internet Explorer that is wrong. If that's the case, hopefully someone can jump in here and advise you on that. I don't really know much about those sorts of things (at least not yet) unfortunately. It would be best for you to do what I told you in my first post and post in the forum. Just do as much as you are able to do
  13. I'm PMing one of our experts here for you who also uses Kaspersky and Malwarebytes together, he'll be able to help you better with this
  14. You're welcome And also the uninstaller, don't forget that, as it removes traces that won't be removed via the control panel
  15. @ deebeee I'm sorry, I should have been more specific, and I meant that you only do this if your version was out of date. Are you XP or Vista or Windows 7? To uninstall it before using the uninstaller: Control Panel > Add/Remove Software > remove Adobe Flash Player Restart the computer Run uninstaller Restart the computer Install new version. You may want to follow these steps anyway even though its appearing to still be there - something might have gotten removed or something when you ran the uninstaller. And yes, all browser windows should be closed prior to doing this
  16. Hi John and welcome to the forums here Are you getting advertisements or just regular, multiple windows open at once? Please try a quick scan of Malwarebytes, as this is the recommended scan method in most cases. At any rate, you could be infected, I don't know that for sure though. You may want to have your system checked to make sure its not infected. Please read the following: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Also, as a side note, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person before you said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you!
  17. You are quite welcome! If you haven't already done this, I would uninstall the previous version first, reboot, run the uninstaller, reboot, then install the new version That's how I did it, anyway. The second reboot may not be necessary, but I did it just for good measure anyway
  18. You're welcome TUV! I had been curious about that too, and then one of our Admins posted that in reply on a thread that I read, so now I know for sure that I was correct in thinking that that was correct And I agree, it is a great program! I love it! I used the free version for several months, and now I have the paid version. Well worth the $24.95 lifetime license fee for personal, home use!
  19. You are very welcome I'm glad that I was able to point you in the right direction.
  20. hello Dennis and welcome to the forums here! I believe that Norton is generally compatible, yes You may need to add some exclusions, though. This found in the first part of the link I gave you below: Please check out the link here for info on that and lots of other things too! http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=10138 If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, and someone will be able to help you
  21. To add onto what Exile told you about Flash, if yours is not fully up to date, you will need to use the uninstaller for Flash here prior to updating Flash: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/141/tn_14157.html and then re-install the newest version of flash (restart inbetewen!)
  22. To add to what kpgumbo said, the database is downloaded in full each time there is an update. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about
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