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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Katy Perry -- By the Grace of God This one is the one I wanted to post, but it won't embed right. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15ewrl_katy-perry-by-the-grace-of-god-live-itunes-festival-2013_music
  2. I didn't realize that ATM'S ran off of Windows or anything... for some reason I thought that they were their own ATM software machine or something. I am not explaining myself well, lol, but honestly I had no idea that they ran off of any windows OS or anything like that!
  3. I like Target, but the closest one for me is an hour away I almost always use cash, and if not, I use my credit card (who is VERY good about fraud). I haven't purchased anything there probably in at least a year or so? So I can't vouch for the Target near me, but, they probably are experiencing some fallout from this as well.
  4. UGH for some reason my Firefox no longer shows that when I right click...
  5. I have been watching Angel lately... about 7 or 8 episodes in. Hulu Plus + HDMI cord = YAY
  6. Everyone belongs! As long as they are kind and courteous to all Welcome & enjoy your stay here!
  7. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone!
  8. @ Mark Thanks for that info! I thought it was my computer, but, happening on two computers at work too! One xp, one w7. Katy is pretty good, she doesn't have strong vocals at all though. Not her fault of course, but, you can tell when she sings live. The non-pasting thing was ticking me off to say the least... I was like whattt. I'll just blame it on IE @DaleDoc Thank you for the detailed work-around
  9. I am in love with this song, I had to download it too! It's amazing
  10. For some reasons I can't see anyones videos :/ (on my Firefox at home, once I let IE display them, I can see them on IE11).
  11. This song is really catchy, I downloaded it on iTunes the other day UGH I can't paste it... Katy Perry Roar... I'll try to put the link in later. There we go; IE was being a creep and not letting me paste.
  12. May I also suggest a purchase of Malwarebytes Pro once you have this sorted out?
  13. That's great to hear Amethyst That's awful! That is why I am so careful/paranoid about using my debit card. I also heard that WalMart is kinda vulnerable too, although I am not sure if its machines were breached this time around. Oh wow... yeah I don't think I'd dare. mmhmm
  14. Me too Ron. I've read their policies on that several times, and I really should find out any updated policies and what I should do if it happens. I do phone banking, and I check that a couple times a month, sometimes more, and really, I should do it at least once a week. I'm glad they finally returned it to you. What a disater that could be if that money was for something really important, rent, food, car payment, etc... ugh! That's why I am so careful; if that happened to me, it would be a disaster (as I'm sure it would be for most people, but just saying)!
  15. My bank seems like they would take care of things very nicely; thankfully, I've never had the need. After a hack at a grocery store chain a while back now (my card was not compromised, but I had used it there during that time so I was taking no chances) I had my card number changed as a precaution (they didn't even charge me!) and from then on, I hardly ever used it; I would mostly do cash or a check. These days, I have chosen just two places to use my debit card, and otherwise I use cash or checks (for bill paying). Although the other day I had to break my rule and use my card at a gas station but I had them run it inside
  16. http://bottomline.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/18/21958122-target-shoppers-credit-card-info-stolen-over-black-friday?d=1
  17. Great pictures Ron! The memorial is beautiful.
  18. Might you have any idea how long Opera 12 will be supported? I kind of hate Opera 18 at the moment... I wish they hadn't changed it.
  19. Thank you Jack! I will check all of those out I was also thinking about trying GIMP again for photo editing too.
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