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Everything posted by JeanInMontana

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs, go through the list you will see Ares there you can uninstall it. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html You can get SS&D at that link. Get the free tool here on this site called StartUpLite and run it. It will remove many of your un-needed startup programs and that should speed you PC up. Also do some simple maintenance, run a disk error check then do a system defrag. See if that helps. If you still are slow post another log after running StartUpLite and I will see what else you can take out of the start up menu.
  2. There are always several groups of numbers in a BSOD also and if you can get them written down and post them we can pin down the problem even more.
  3. Belarc Advisor is a free analysis tool...might help.
  4. How is it running? Did you install Ares? I don't see the Spybot Search & Destroy BHO did you install the programs I suggested? If you didn't install Ares between your last post then we have something posing as it. If you did install it, it is not safer than Limewire. P2P is not safe and in many cases not legal. You might want to get the StartUpLite program here and get rid of some stuff you don't need at start up. That will speed your PC up. Let me know about the Ares. If you installed it then you are most likely cleaned up.
  5. Hi Joe and welcome to Malwarebytes. Look in your Add/Remove Programs and see if you can remove the toolbar from there. You can also get this program HiJack This! download it to a folder you create on your HD unzip it and run a scan and save the log. Close all programs and browser windows before you run the scan. Post the log in a new thread of your own here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 . I will be able to look at your log there and give further assistance.
  6. I didn't mean to imply I doubt you. I meant my lack of language skills caused me to misunderstand what I was looking at. We appreciate your contributions.
  7. Free is a good thing. Did you have AVG fix the MyWaySearch and empty quarantine? It's still there. Look in your Add/Remove Programs folder in the Control Panel for it and while you are there uninstall all versions of Java you find and the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You need to update these last two for security. Then run HJT again and put a check next to these if they are still there. O2 - BHO: MyWay Search Assistant BHO - {04079851-5845-4dea-848C-3ECD647AA554} - C:\Program Files\MyWay\SrchAstt\1.bin\MYSRCHAS.DLL O2 - BHO: myBar BHO - {0494D0D1-F8E0-41ad-92A3-14154ECE70AC} - C:\Program Files\MyWay\myBar\1.bin\MYBAR.DLL O2 - BHO: (no name) - {D80C4E21-C346-4E21-8E64-20746AA20AEB} - (no file) O3 - Toolbar: My &Search Bar - {0494D0D9-F8E0-41ad-92A3-14154ECE70AC} - C:\Program Files\MyWay\myBar\1.bin\MYBAR.DLL Be sure to let me know how the PC is running now. If you feel you are free of infection. Go to Control Panel, System Properties and System Restore. Turn it off then turn it on and manually create a new infection free restore point. You can get Java here and just Google for Adobe 8. Then go to Major Geeks and in the Security section get SpywareBlaster, Spybot Search & Destroy, update both, enable all protections (SpywareBlaster) and immunize your system(SS&D). Then you might want to add a hosts file hpHosts here it will block some sites from loading that are known to be malicious. Keep all your Windows updates current and all the other tools you have updated also. Your using a P2P program Limewire and P2P is a dangerous activity security wise. So is MySpace.
  8. I don't speak the language.
  9. Are you sure you got the right URL? That is a non English forum thread for a HJT log.
  10. Whoo hoo five hundred members!! WTG RubberDucky. A major milestone.
  11. Your welcome jeru. Ok here is what we are going to do. Run AVG again, this time make sure you have it fix spylocked and the maywaysearch. The three items in bold below. C:\Program Files\MyWay\myBar\1.bin\MYPOPSWT.DLL -> Adware.Funweb : Ignored. C:\Program Files\MyWay\myBar\1.bin\NPMYWAY.DLL -> Adware.MyWaySpeed : Ignored. C:\System Volume Information\_restore{8C459B98-89AA-45F6-A5B9-323014416103}\RP371\A0061726.exe -> Adware.SpyLocked : Ignored. C:\System Volume Information\_restore{8C459B98-89AA-45F6-A5B9-323014416103}\RP371\A0061720.exe -> Downloader.Zlob.ava : Cleaned with backup (quarantined). C:\System Volume Information\_restore{8C459B98-89AA-45F6-A5B9-323014416103}\RP371\A0061721.exe -> Downloader.Zlob.avb : Cleaned with backup (quarantined). C:\System Volume Information\_restore{8C459B98-89AA-45F6-A5B9-323014416103}\RP371\A0061723.exe -> Downloader.Zlob.bsi : Cleaned with backup (quarantined). Empty the quarantine reboot and get this CCleaner update and run a scan let it clean everything it finds. If you depend on cookies to save your passwords better get them written down. They are going to go away. Then post a new HJT log. Tell me how the PC is running. We will have a look and do some clean up and add some prevention tools and update some software. All for free.
  12. In addition to what RubberDucky instructed, please tell us what your symptoms are. You stated in your first post you clicked on a bad link and got something then downloaded spylocked. It's not showing in your log, information is the key to helping you. Did you install MyWaySearch on purpose?
  13. Hi there and welcome to Malwarebytes. Let's just try updating RogueRemoverPro and running a scan again. Let me know what symptoms your having specifically please, and how this scan goes.
  14. Well I wasn't sure either.....didn't seem to fit anywhere else.
  15. I first found out about CyberDefender due to a contest at CastleCops. One of the first things that made me suspicious about it however, is that the "free" version contains adverts. Not suprisingly, quite a few of us began questioning the fact it was permitted as one of the prizes for the competition. Eventually, we were told the version being given away for the competition, was a full licence without adverts. Join me for the next few minutes as we find out how this is not the case. Full Story Digg it.
  16. Anybody having the same problem, please download RogueRemover from http://www.malwarebytes.org/rogueremover.php If the problem continues post in the HiJack This forum http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Start your own topic.
  17. Hey since our conversation via messenger this has stopped.
  18. Did you also install a hosts file or maybe IE-Spyads? Can you give a few links? SiteAdvisor doesn't block sites just rates them for safety.
  19. This is happening every time I reboot. I don't have RR run all the time. Two start on their own at boot up.
  20. Because of the way FF caches pages it will use more and more RAM the longer the browser is open. Closing and restarting clears that out and will lower your resource usage dramatically.
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