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I have no idea how helpful my own experience is, but my computer was infected with the redirect virus this weekend. Malwarebytes stopped about 20 minutes into performing a full scan (the windows notice listed the application as "Not Responding". Using the Quick Scan revealed a BDO Trojan and this appeared to me removed. A Quick Scan using Superantispyware showed nothing, and Windows Defender also showed nothing. But Malwarebytes still failed to perform a full scan and froze anywhere from 18 - 22 minutes into the process. Each time the scan was at Users/administrator name/App Data/Local/Temp/Low

All quick scans and a TDSS Killer scan continued to show nothing. I performed a full scan using Superantispyware (although I still like Malwarebytes better) and windows defender. The scans took more than 12 hours running concurrently. Each scan found malware: Rogue.agent/gen, Trojan.agent/gen-fakeAV, Rogue:win32/fakeRean, and TrojanDownloader:ASX/Wimad.DC. All were located in the same location where the full Malwarebytes scan froze.

All items were removed using defender and superantispyware.

Malwarebytes performed a full scan after restart and did not freeze.

I have no idea if this truly fixed the problem, but the redirect malware is gone and Malbyteware now does what it could not do once the malware hit my computer. I am NOT an expert, but maybe this will help.


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