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Malwarebytes blocks mailicous Skype IP Ports:

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Good afternoon.

Please be made aware that I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to Computers. Lately - I've been receiving these pop ups from Malwarebytes informing me that it had blocked a rather malicious IP Port from the Skype.exe. Now, I've had a little browse around the internet - and looked into what the course of this is, but to no luck have I found a assuring solution to this slight worry. While I'm aware that Malwarebytes is doing it's duties by blocking this IP port, I'm curious to know a few things:

Is my Skype infected? Or is it some form of a virus that has camouflaged itself?

Is there a way to resolve this issue? If so, how?

I've seen on a post (not on this Forum) that someone mentioned how Skype runs off a P2P - and that Skype these ports can sometimes hold malicious items, which is why Malwarebytes blocks them? Something along those lines.

I've do Full System Scan's with Malwarebytes normally every single day - to ensure that there is nothing taking a walk around my Laptop. The results come back that there is no malicious files detected on my Computer.

Below - I've posted the port that I've got from the ID Protection log. This same port pops up every so often, when I'm using Skype: (Type: outgoing, Port: 65232, Process: skype.exe)

If anyone knows what the course of this is - and can tell me if it's something to do with Skype itself being infected or what ever, I'd be greatly appreciated for the time and effort.

Many thanks again.

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