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Generic ff-1 virus keeps returning

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Sorry. Working alot at the moment, day and night so not had much time to check out and reply. At the moment, It seems to be in c:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-rasbase-raspptp_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_97b85cdceaebcc48\raspptp.sys Both computers seems to get the same virus' according to spyware terminator. No other virus protection picks this virus up, but it worries me because my computer is really slow, doesn't load etc. I try to delete it, in safe mode and normal mode and it won't delete, or tells me it's deleted then it will pick up on the next scan.


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Definitely looks like a false positive by SpywareTerminator if it's on multiple computers.

Upload the file here to be sure:


Next, please run the PCPitstop Full Tests here (NOT the PCMatic scan or any other scan; simply register with the box on the left and you will be taken to the Full Tests/Overdrive Test). When the tests are complete, a results page will pop up. Copy and paste the URL of the Results screen and post it here for me.

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Yep, definitely a false positive. I would recommend removing Spyware Terminator all together..

Next, it is absolutely essential that you upgrade to Windows XP Service Pack 3 on both computers.. Service Pack 2, which is what you currently have, has vulnerabilities that leave you wide open for re-infection. To upgrade, please visit Windows Update and download all critical updates.

Let me know if the update was successful.

PCPitStop noted several things that you can do to improve the shape your computer is in.

Pay particular attention to these items:

• Delete Temporary Files:

Please download CCleaner and save it to your desktop.

  • Run the CCleaner installer.
  • During installation process, please UNCHECK "Add CCleaner Yahoo! Toolbar".
  • Please do NOT run a scan yet!

Now, open CCleaner:

  • Click the "Windows" tab.
  • Select the following:
    • Check everything under the "Internet Explorer" section.
    • Check everything under the "Windows Explorer" section.
    • Check everything under the "System" section.
    • Check ONLY "Old Prefetch data" under the "Advanced" section.

    [*]Then, click the "Applications" tab:

    • CHECK everything there.

    [*]Next, click the "Options" button in the left pane, then click the "Advanced" button:

    • CHECK : "Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours".

    [*]Next, click the "Cleaner" button in the left pane, then click the "Run Cleaner" button (bottom right), click "OK" at the prompt.

    [*]When done, please exit CCleaner.

CAUTION: Please do NOT use the "Issues" button in the left pane. This is a built-in registry cleaner. If you don’t know how to use it, you may cause irreparable damage to your system.

• Reduce System Restore space (Drive C):

Right click My Computer and click Properties. Select the System Restore tab, and move the slider to 3%. You're pretty much wasting disk space otherwise.

• Defragment Drive C:

Defragmenting is a must. It's one of the large reasons for system slowdowns. I use Defraggler to defragment. It is free to download and you can use it forever. I recommend installing it and defragmenting as soon as possible.

Also take the time to take a look at the other tips PCPitStop reported. I've just highlighted some of the more important ones.

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Thanks so much for your help. I will do as you say. The reason I don't do microsoft updates is because the RAM etc on my laptop is rubbish as it's just a cheap laptop and I always think I am taking up valuable space. I will download ccleaner and update etc. I will let you know if it speeds up at all. I am currently running in safe mode at all times as normal it is tooooo slow ;)

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Thankyou. I have made all the possible changes I can do at the moment. The only things I can't instantly change are the RAM and memory. I have re run the scan, everything is up to date. My laptop is running a lot faster with no crashes. I now remember why I turned off updates.... everytime I was playing online poker, the computer would update and cause my game to freeze. I now need to do the PC optimzes.

Thankyou again :)

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One last thing. The PC I think has a hardware problem. Every time I format it, it does a purple error with blue screen, so we have to rename a file for it to work and boot up on the first time. Now I have a 'this copy of windows isn't genuine' error... (although I bought the PC second hand I presume it must be genuine as we have the product key on the back and it used to format with no problems) which means I will have to format again. Is there any quick fix or way of finding out where the error lies. Thanks

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