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Overnight scan

Guest Bugen

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Guest Bugen

I am trying to get MBAM to perform a full system scan remove the threats then shutdown.

Since there is no option in MBAM to do this I resorted to the command line

This my test script so far:

cd c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware
mbam.exe /errorsilent /update -silent /scan -flash -log -remove
shutdown /s /t 120

The /errorsilent, /update -silent, and -log are there as preferences. -flash will be replaced with -full

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Guest Bugen

I have been away for a couple of days so have not had a chance to work on it.

There are three steps to this script:

1. cd c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware

2. mbam.exe /errorsilent /update -silent /scan -flash -log -remove

3. shutdown /s /t 120

I know malwarebytes can reboot after scan but i want it to shutdown.

I need a script to run this line:

mbam.exe /errorsilent /update -silent /scan -flash -log -remove

then shutdown

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Guest Bugen

The script i made in post 1 did this command cd c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware then this one shutdown /s /t 120 mbam never started scanning.

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Guest Bugen

exile's instructions worked perfectly thank you guys so much.

Here is my current script THAT WORKS:

cd c:\program files (x86)\malwarebytes' anti-malware
mbam.exe /errorsilent /update -silent
mbam.exe /errorsilent /scan -flash -log -remove -silent
shutdown /s /t 120

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