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How can I get Malwarebytes to let Skype through?

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I got 2 logs so far. Here are the enrire contents of both:

00:14:01 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

00:41:54 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

00:41:58 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

00:45:52 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

00:45:53 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

17:12:03 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

17:12:07 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

18:25:23 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

18:25:26 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

18:30:26 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

18:30:29 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

19:32:05 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

19:32:09 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

19:44:36 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

19:44:39 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

19:48:42 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

19:48:45 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

21:14:45 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

21:14:49 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

21:17:05 Razor MESSAGE Scheduled update executed successfully

21:17:28 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

21:17:29 Razor MESSAGE Database updated successfully

21:17:30 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

21:30:39 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

21:30:43 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

21:48:29 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

21:48:30 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

21:48:30 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

21:48:30 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

21:48:38 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

21:48:38 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

21:49:18 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

22:23:27 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

22:23:31 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

23:01:16 Razor MESSAGE Protection started successfully

23:01:20 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

23:22:00 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:00 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:00 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:00 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:22:08 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:27:09 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

23:27:10 Razor MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

23:29:58 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:29:58 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:29:58 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:29:58 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)

23:30:06 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:30:06 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 28215, Process: skype.exe)

23:30:06 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 443, Process: skype.exe)

23:30:06 Razor IP-BLOCK (Type: incoming, Port: 80, Process: skype.exe)



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Hello therazor61:

A very rapid check of only the topmost IP address shows this to be a mainland China (Beijing) based prolific attack source.

Another quick look at the remaining IP address shows its source to also originate from mainland China and it is almost certainly scanning your ports for system vulnerabilities. Your MBAM PRO is most certainly protecting you from these attacking IP addresses.

Are you truly quite sure you would like to let those IP addresses through and others like it? If you're quite sure you fully know and understand the possible consequences, I can instruct you on how to right-click the system tray MBAM icon and "Add to Ignore List".

You may read a very thorough explanation in Section G of the FAQ.

HTH :)

Edited by 1PW
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China huh? I don't know anyone from there! I assume that you entered the IP address somewhere and it tells you where the message originated from? If so, where do you go and enter the IP address?

But, I do use Skype to see/talk to my kids and my brother. In me using the default set up, are they going to be able to start a Skype session with me? Or can I start sessions with them? If I'd need to, how would I add them to my ignore list?

Is there anything I need to do to on my side, or their side?



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In the half day that I've had MBAM its just those 2 issues.

By the way, MBAM did I sweet job killing off the Canadian Pharmacy E-mail Virus that I had. Even the (free) product called the 'Canadian Pharmacy E-mail Virus Remover' (or something like that) couldn't even find it. Neither could avast! nor Norton.

Barring any new killer issues, I'll be buying MBAM after my free month runs out.

THANKS again,


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  • Root Admin

I don't see where you reported any Virus or Malware. You asked about IP blocking which we do block many (not all) of the IP ranges that Skype uses.

What indication of a Virus or Malware do you have?

Please update MBAM and do a Quick Scan and post back the scan log.

Then post back your latest Protection Log as well.

Log File Locations

Scan Logs

  • Windows 2000 & Windows XP:

    C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs

  • Windows Vista & Win7:

    C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs

File Protection and IP Protection Logs

  • Windows 2000 & Windows XP:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs

  • Windows Vista & Win7:

    C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs

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