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Hello everyone - I'm new.


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Hi everyone.

I've just joined the forum so I thought I'd better make a quick post to introduce myself. I use the 'nick' Auberon, but my real name is John. I am currently enrolled in the malware removal training course over at the SWI forum. There is a lot to learn, but I am determined to (eventually) graduate from SWI so I can help out over there and also hopefully help out in the malware forum here as well.

I do have a little bit of computer knowledge, but definitely not enough to say that I am an expert in anything computer related. I think I will spend most of my time here reading the expert's replies to problems in the malware removal forum in order to increase my own malware removal knowledge. However, it's possible that I may have enough knowledge to help with the odd problem in the non-malware related areas of the forum, and I enjoy trying to solve computer problems. So, if I spot anything I think I can help with, I will give it my best shot.

Basically I am here to learn. But, if I can also help a few people out in the process, that will be an added bonus for me. :)

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