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Ignore option Question

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I run a game called Maple story When it loads Malwarebytes complains of a root kit Do I want to ignore Terminate or turn off protection

I click ignore & it runs just fine

Until I reboot or log off the computer & back on Then I have to Click ignore again

My question is is there a way to get it to ignore the directory permanently Where I don't have to click ignore every time I reboot

I tried to add to ignore list but it wont let me add that kind of stuff

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Can you please post the log where it is detecting this file? It sounds like a false positive.

I checked all the logs & it does not show up in any of them. it's just when you attempt tp run the game you get the error message once & when you log off or restart the computer you get the error message once

I'll upload a an image



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I cant upload the file the file is only there durring game play & it wont allow me in the directory during game play

If you want you can download the game for free at http://maplestory.nexon.net/WZ.ASPX?PART=/...ads/GamePatches[/

Pick the third option Download Full Version EXE

I'd like to set it to ignore the whole directory cause they release patches that alter the game so often

But I guess you can't

Please zip and upload the following file here


We'll check it out and verify if it's clean or not. If it is clean we'll remove it from detection.

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  • Root Admin

Well creating a .SYS file on the fly it a bit odd I'd think and maybe why it's being flagged.

Please download this program Shadow Copy V1.00 from Runtime Software.

Run your game then minimize and run this application, or have it running already and launch your game.

Then use it to browse to this file dump_wmimmc.sys and copy it to a new folder or temporary location.

Then quit your game and go zip up that file and upload it please.

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