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Hi all,

I'm Ltangelic, and I'm also a fellow graduate from GeekU like Transience is. :blink: I'm currently a malware staff over at G2G and a volunteer helper at Lavasoft forums. Nice to meet you guys and hope I can contribute and learn more here! :blink:


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Hello all - How can I tell if Malwarebytes is registered? updated? any expiration date? I am working on my sisters computer and MAL was all I could find.

You can tell if it's the paid version based on whether or not you are able to enable realtime protection on the protection tab, on the free one (at least for the newest version being 1.30) it will have 2 buttons, one saying Purchase and the other saying Register. To make sure it's up to date you can click on the update tab as long as you have an internet connection and click the button that says Check for Updates. The current database version is 1399. If it is in fact the paid version then the license is good for life and requires no renewal/subscribtion fees. Good luck and safe surfing.

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Hi all,

I'm Ltangelic, and I'm also a fellow graduate from GeekU like Transience is. :blink: I'm currently a malware staff over at G2G and a volunteer helper at Lavasoft forums. Nice to meet you guys and hope I can contribute and learn more here! :blink:


16.gif Hi great to have you here!

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