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Keylogger detection software?

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My client's credit card has been compromised twice in the last 3 months, and he wants me to "scan all machines" with something that could detect a keylogger or data mining program. I have explained that the two security programs already installed should detect almost all infections with those capabilities

We are running the latest paid version of MalwareBytes on all machines with daily quick scans running. AV software is Trend Micro Worry-Free Standard version 6 - with daily scans.

If there is some malicious software running undetected on any of the ten machines in his office, is there any program someone could recommend for keylogger or data sniffing detection?

I have researched a bit and found a few "Anti Keylogger" programs with very similar names by different companies, but I know nothing about their reputation or effectiveness.

Thanks - Sam

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If your client was keylogged, their bank would be notifying them about suspicious activity.

Sorry if I did not make it clear, but that's what I meant by "compromised". My client has had to get new credit cards issued twice in the past 3 months after being notified by the bank of suspicious activity, fraudulent charges.

I am testing SpyShelter Premium, and it's a pain to get going; almost every legitimate program must be "allowed" or have a rule enabled, but I have SpyShelter set to "High Security Level" and perhaps that is not necessary?

I will try running Kaspersky as well.

Thanks for all the tips so far . . .

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