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How can I programatically determine the MBAM verison?

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I'd like to be able to determine the version of MBAM from a program I'm writing. The file version info (right click on mbam.exe) shows but the About tab in the prog itself says How can I get the 'real' version info?

Also, is there a reliable link where I can download the latest update? I've tried http://data.mbamupdates.com/tools/mbam-rules.exe but the downloaded file actually seems to install older updates. Yes, I do understand that MBAM auto-updates, but I'd like to get just the def updates. Ummm... would I be better off then to just download the latest version? That will probably entail uninstalling the current version first, which is not what I want to do.



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Hello 4eyes,

The Program version of MBAM is: You can check your registry keys for the version: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | programversion

Or for a 32-bit edition of Windows:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | programversion

To get the latest version of MBAM please use the update button on the Update tab of MBAM. Alternately using MBAM pro's scheduler you can setup schedule updates for latest versions of MBAM.

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Umm... should have looked in the reg before asking, sorry.

Ok, I don't mean to open old wounds, but it looks like the 'manually download updates' issue has been talked about before. I find this REALLY annoying coz like many here I suspect, I'm a computer tech and I often run into pc's that are heavily infested with malware that prevents getting to the net, hence no updates. I know there's some blurb here about what to do in that case but that is nowhere near as convenient as being able to download the latest defs to take to a clients pc. My prog currently allows download of defs for MSSE 32/64 bit and SAS. I'd love a working solution for MBAM too. In fact I can't even find a link to download the whole package directly. I understand this is policy but what gain could you possibly get from making it more difficult than need be for folks to use MBAM?

Do I have to resort to copying the local rules.ref file from a working pc just to implement this?

Next point: is it possibly to programatically read the current program version and database version off the web as text? This would be very helpful.



Hello 4eyes,

The Program version of MBAM is: You can check your registry keys for the version: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | programversion

Or for a 32-bit edition of Windows:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | programversion

To get the latest version of MBAM please use the update button on the Update tab of MBAM. Alternately using MBAM pro's scheduler you can setup schedule updates for latest versions of MBAM.

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Hello 4eyes!

You can get the latest version of MBAM by visiting Here

As a licensed corporate user, technician, reseller, affiliate or non-profit you have access to the corporate helpdesk, contact them via the email address below.


They will assist you in this matter. Please provide your corporate license information when requesting help.

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Yes, I could do that.


Yes, I can get the latest version at that link but not without extra clicks. It seems nobody wants to answer my original question which was can I download just an update. As it seems too hard to get an answer I have to assume that for some reason the answer is no, although SAS, Microsoft, Symantec etc allow this. Sigh.

As far as becoming a reseller is concerned, I applied a few weeks ago and have heard little or nothing since.

I've emailed corporate-support and await their response.

Thank you for your replies.


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  • Root Admin

For a quick update method you can copy the rules.ref file from an updated client to a CD and then place them into the proper location on the infected system.

Windows 2000 & Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Windows Vista & Win7

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

We do not currently have an available application to do an offline update that is always up to date at this time.

Once the system is working though you should immediately update from within the program to correct and update the meta data rules for updates.

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